Rumormill: BMW in talks to use iQ platform for future models, Toyota to get Mini in r


01 BMW 325xi Touring

Aston Martin may not be the only premium European automaker interested in Toyota's innovative iQ microcar. According to Inside Line and Autocar in the U.K., BMW and Toyota are in talks to collaborate on future small cars based on the Mini and iQ platforms. BMW may possibly use the interior and diminutive platform from the Japanese automaker's next-gen iQ for its long-rumored Isetta revival, possibly with an electric powertrain.

In return, Toyota would gain access to the German automaker's Mini division specifically the Coupe and Roadster that were recently shown in concept form ahead of their expected debuts at the Frankfurt Motor Show
in September though its not currently clear what Toyota would do with them. Neither company has confirmed these reports, so we're currently taking this rumor with an appropriately large grain of salt.