rim repair


05 Mazda6 5-Door
Hey everyone. Just got back from Iraq, and the storage company bent one of my rims by curbing it, idiots!! Anywho, I need to know a name and number for any local rim repair shops, I don't want to have to sent it out to get done. Any place with reasonable rates and turn around times is greatly appreciated.

no real suggestions. i would just call around. u will more than likely have to remove the tire from the rim and bring it in.

welcome back btw!

wb. i agree w/ nutari, shouldn't the shipping co. cover it? unfortunately, i do not know any place that fixes rims. u mite wanna call around or keep askin around. good luck fixing the rim. if u do find a good place, let us know cuz i need rim work. peace out.
Yeah, they should cover it, but they said I can't prove to them that I didn't do it before I dropped the car off, or after I picked it up driving it home. Too much hassle, so I am just gonna eat the price and get it fixed. All I gotta do is find somewhere. I'll keep ya posted