revolution started srt-4 = prick!


03 Spicy Orange MSP
okay so here i am at work, eating my lunch minding my own business and this guy walks in, a co worker seen him a few times he hits down at a table across the way, sits there drinks his coke and then says hey, you drive the orange protege at the end of the parkinglot right, so im thinkign a fan of mazda so im like yeah i corrected him "03 mazdaspeed protege spicy orange mica" and he's like oh so thats the turbo one right. I was like yep, as a smirk came across my face. As it tends to do when ppl mention my car. Then i felt like i was smack flat across the face, he says, well this magazine i was looking at the other day, basically s*** on your car, saying how bad is was, and wasn't worth buying and rated 3rd etc etc etc, and he kept rambling on and he goes so, thats why i have desided to go with the srt-4. I laughed and said if you want speed, go srt-4 if you want looks god mazdaspeed cuz its got looks and speed, he's like oh i dont think the srt-4 looks that bad, and kept going on and on about how he would s*** on my car in a race and all this stuff. i mean the guy was being a real ass. i listened to what he had to say, the guy just went on and on and there were two guys from tle sitting in the corner of the room, i looked over and said hey guys would you ever buy the neon, that both laffed and said HELL NO not even the new one, i said would you ever drive a mazdaspeed protege or a protege 5, they boths were like no doubt, i said why? he goes cuz of there handling, i said why wouldn't you buy a neon even the new one, the guy in tle merly replied, cuz of the fact at the end of the day, id still be driving a neon. I laffed and agree'd he basically took the line i been claiming all along. a neon is a neon, it'll always be a neon no matter what you do to it its still a neon. now im not bias agianst neon's or dodge for that matter, but i will say i have always found them ugly, even the ones with body kits and all this other stuff, there just not for me.

but, the way they guy was going on and on about the srt - 4 its like he had been waiting all his whole life to come into the lunch room and start s*** with me over this. i felt like my lunch was a complete waste of time.

oh well, and life goes on.

srt-4 may be able to handle it in drag in a flat our run,
i wonder how he'd fair in autox
Ryan said:
okay so here i am at work, eating my lunch minding my own business and this guy walks in, a co worker seen him a few times he hits down at a table across the way, sits there drinks his coke and then says hey, you drive the orange protege at the end of the parkinglot right, so im thinkign a fan of mazda so im like yeah i corrected him "03 mazdaspeed protege spicy orange mica" and he's like oh so thats the turbo one right. I was like yep, as a smirk came across my face. As it tends to do when ppl mention my car. Then i felt like i was smack flat across the face, he says, well this magazine i was looking at the other day, basically s*** on your car, saying how bad is was, and wasn't worth buying and rated 3rd etc etc etc, and he kept rambling on and he goes so, thats why i have desided to go with the srt-4. I laughed and said if you want speed, go srt-4 if you want looks god mazdaspeed cuz its got looks and speed, he's like oh i dont think the srt-4 looks that bad, and kept going on and on about how he would s*** on my car in a race and all this stuff. i mean the guy was being a real ass. i listened to what he had to say, the guy just went on and on and there were two guys from tle sitting in the corner of the room, i looked over and said hey guys would you ever buy the neon, that both laffed and said HELL NO not even the new one, i said would you ever drive a mazdaspeed protege or a protege 5, they boths were like no doubt, i said why? he goes cuz of there handling, i said why wouldn't you buy a neon even the new one, the guy in tle merly replied, cuz of the fact at the end of the day, id still be driving a neon. I laffed and agree'd he basically took the line i been claiming all along. a neon is a neon, it'll always be a neon no matter what you do to it its still a neon. now im not bias agianst neon's or dodge for that matter, but i will say i have always found them ugly, even the ones with body kits and all this other stuff, there just not for me.

but, the way they guy was going on and on about the srt - 4 its like he had been waiting all his whole life to come into the lunch room and start s*** with me over this. i felt like my lunch was a complete waste of time.

oh well, and life goes on.

srt-4 may be able to handle it in drag in a flat our run,
i wonder how he'd fair in autox

What a Prick:mad: , next time you need to show him Something. Like if he comes back buying the SRT-4" take him outside the parkinglot and make the guy park next to your car, and ask him how does his stereo sound. Turn your stereo up and let him fell the Zoom-Zoom of your Boom-Boom lol. Also let him know that the M-Speed comes standard with all of the equipment that the Neon-SRT-4 will never come with. Bad ass Stereo System, LSD, B-stone Potenza's/W Racing hart rims, Sparco interior...ETC...... who cares about the Neon.(spank) Mazdaspeed Rocks!!!!(rockon)
Ok,i'll be the first to reply to this.That guy was just an a$$!Don't blame it on the neon.I have seen some sweet neons but I don't think i would own one.I have a P.O.S. neon rental right now and i hate it.They look very cheap on the inside like someone in development forgot to finish them.I dog on the neon but the SRT-4 is pretty bad a$$ for what its supposed to be!It was made to go very fast AND VERY STRAIGHT!Your simple answer for the A$$ in your breakroom should have been"what do you drive?"That prob would have shut him up.Too many people want to dog on our cars when all they have sitting in the parking lot next to yours is their 1984 Yugo hatchback!Go figure.If he wants to talk $hit ,let him as long as you know what you drive and are happy with it!:D
Just my .02 cents,Matt
ty, we have a winner BINGO you rule ;)
btw i looked at the magazine if its the same one he was claiming to have read and every car is has pros and cons that moron, the neon had just as many cons as the msp.

oh oh and, the msp biggest con is lateral back support, hell easy fix buy ya some racing seats problem fixed.
okay okay i admit i seen a pretty sweet neon, but what made it really badass whats the hot chick driving it ;)
[temper] I would have b**** slapped him just to remind him that no matter what kind of car he has it will not compensate for his little weiner and in the end he will still be a prick [/temper]
i like your style black msp, do you like your spool springs how much lower did it make your car?
Yep he was basically just spouting out what he reads in a mag, there are many of those around. The SRT is nice no doubt for speed even in cornering situations. HOWEVER, since we have not driven one there is not way to say just how easily it handles and to what extent.
The MSP offers to the table a decent overall package with nice options, good power, and good handling. Its that combined package total that makes the car really nice.

Its people like that tend to ruin the name of cars and their respective owners. Each type of car has them, and sadly even the MSP and P5's have them.

Just go on knowing that you actually know more about cars then he will probably ever hope. For he will fail to get his nose out of some mag, and actually think for himself and learn more about differences in cars.
BlackMSP said:
[temper] I would have b**** slapped him just to remind him that no matter what kind of car he has it will not compensate for his little weiner and in the end he will still be a prick [/temper]

So if his has a small johnson and is a prick then I guess that makes him a turd craving Needle dick(rofl)
another magazine moron.

Get used to it. You drive an orange car, your going to see more of these assholes the entire time you own it. I had to go through my fair share with the MP3 as well. Just go on with your day like they don't exist.

You have the better car :)
I"ve had alot of time to watch the SRT 4 in action... its ok. It rolls like a whale on the autox course, but in the right hands its just as quick as most cars. Seriously, the only dick waving you can do where the driver dosn't matter is drag racing. And as long as the Neon has that licked nobody will ever respect a great handling car that is slower in a straight line.

All other racing is dependent on the driver. On a track or autocross course I'd rather have the MSP... I don't like my cars to be that ugly. But alot of people drive camaros that can do 10s in the 1/4 mile and they spent less than $20k on their cars... so the SRT-4 has got nothing on the drag scene. Its got nothing in the looks department... and its still a neon after all is said and done.

It may be rollie pollie compaired to the msp, but don't count it out. A good driver can really make it scoot on the AutoX. I'm practicing hard to make sure it dosn't stay that way for long though.
sorry i have been holding back on that pic! hahahahaha

Like i said TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
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Thats the greatest thing I have ever seen! I want to blow it up and take it down to the dodge dealership in the middle of the night and put it on all the SRT-4s !

Glad someone likes make sure when u see a kid at a car show(last 3 i have seen the person owning it is about 16-17) , walk up to them and say can u taste the rainbow?