Remote start key fob? Also poor satelite reception


'11 VW Wagen TDI (being sold to VW), 2016 CX-9 GT
I've been browsing the discussions, but can't find a definitive answer. Does Mazda offer a remote start key fob? Not impressed with what I'm hearing about the cell phone app. If not,, any decent 3rd party offerings?

Also, has anyone else noticed the so-so satellite reception? With my f150 I can go under bridges (usually) without losing reception. With our new cx-9 its really sensitive, around things like trees even. Any way to improve this?

NOPE! that was one of the biggest dissapointments with the cx9 on top of no android auto and apple car play.

what is strange other mazdas.. OLDER models even offer a standard keyfob remote start system. the cx9 does not. not even an option. the only option is that crappy phone app which is NOT THE SAME!

and its risk to go aftrmarket with new cars. everything is tied in with each other now. you really need to go with an installer you can trust if you go that route
NOPE! that was one of the biggest dissapointments with the cx9 on top of no android auto and apple car play.

what is strange other mazdas.. OLDER models even offer a standard keyfob remote start system. the cx9 does not. not even an option. the only option is that crappy phone app which is NOT THE SAME!

and its risk to go aftermarket with new cars. everything is tied in with each other now. you really need to go with an installer you can trust if you go that route

I sort of get why they hesitate to implement android and apple car play. If you don't do it right it can really suck, since you have to support a decent number of varying devices. My F150 has the Ford Touch system, which they partnered with Microsoft on, and it works really well. On anther care I had a Pioneer Appradio and that was a mess.