Reflector light loose


2013 cx5 6m/t
Hi Guys

While washing my car a week ago I noticed that my right reflector light is loose (right side).
There is not easy access to it,but after taking wheel off and opening plastic panel I realize that to fix it is not gonna be an easy task.
Took it to a dealer and they said that they have to order parts.Few days after they contacted me and said that there is no part to fix it and they will glue it somehow.In my opinion it's very bad design.I did not hit anything it just happened by itself .Little thing but very annoying.
I wouldn't call it a bad design. This is the first time that this issue is mentioned on this forum in the span of over two years.

That wouldn't be a hard task to fix... That is considering that the clips and mounting point is still intact. If they are not, then obviously something impacted it or someone previously broke it. It can easily be reached by removal of the wheel and opening the dedicated compartment in the wheel well. Perhaps you should take a pic of the mounting points to ensure that they are not broken. Your dealer may be trying to half ass the job by gluing it in place (which may not be necessary).
I'd wouldn't be surprised if it suffered a love tap somewhere.

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