Rear wiper delete?

Even when I DD'ed my P5 I rarely used the rear wiper. I just use Rain-x on the windshield and back window. I got the plug because my rear wiper motor died so I pulled it all out and I like the look of a clean back end without the wiper. Though the Mazda6 wiper cleans it up a bit.
I have rain x on there, however when there is dirt that dries on there is where my issues begin.
Not tryna put n eone on blast, or make n e one defend the descions on thier cars. Just stating it thru my expirence.
I can dig it, I'm not pushing anyone either. But this is a wiper delete thread, so it will be more for people looking to delete theirs. heh-heh.
i know it's an old thread but i'm trying to remove my rear rear wiper arm and its just stuck. Am I just supposed to just pull it off? happened to anyone who could chime in??

Just kinds wiggle it while twisting, it will come loose.
I've been thinking of doing this mod, pretty simple and clean looking. I agree with the back window getting filthy but its nothing some mud guards can't fix.. (boom01)
ty for the p/n
Guys, i successfully did this with the part that lewis supplied earlier on that page (thanks alot btw, fits like a glove, perfect / no leak on russian winters either)
the rear wiper is a super monster b**** to remove, seriously.
the rust caused by the winters over here in Quebec was uber, however, after like 1 and a half hour of pulling (try not to break the glass either), it pulled, i shouted VICTORYYYY all over, hahah
but seriously, if you're having trouble (surtout toi, fred) put some wd40 2 or 3 days in a row, it helps alot

i was so desperate, i even considered buying myself a dremel and cutting the motor straight LOL!
so to remove the motor does the plastic inside the trunk need to be removed? looking to do this soon and sell my mazda wagon upgraded wiper
Temporarily removed, yes. But it's a cake job. If you need a wiper plug, let me know. I have 5 extras. :)
was hoping i didnt have to take that huge piece off lol I bet its easy tho. and yep i need one pm me :)
It's really easy, just be careful and gently pull so you don't break the plastic mounting spots the metal tangs mount to. Then there's two 10mm bolts holding the assembly onto the hatch/glass. The big nut (~24mm IIRC) holding the wiper assembly on. And unplug the assembly and ziptie the plug to something so it doesn't rattle. Pop in the new plug and bingo bango, good to go.

$10 shipped for the plug.
It's really easy, just be careful and gently pull so you don't break the plastic mounting spots the metal tangs mount to. Then there's two 10mm bolts holding the assembly onto the hatch/glass. The big nut (~24mm IIRC) holding the wiper assembly on. And unplug the assembly and ziptie the plug to something so it doesn't rattle. Pop in the new plug and bingo bango, good to go.

$10 shipped for the plug.

ya its that easy unless you live in the rust belt then the outside bolt might be a bit more difficult. and rico when you pull on the rear plastic it will sound like its breaking.. thats normal because of the clips.
Alright kinda the same sound when I did the lights then on the side plastics huh