Rear ended


Just like the title says. Last night on my way home from work. Just driving down a busy three lane road at normal speeds (70 km/h) not sure what that is in Miles.) Well a stop light just turned green but most of the cars ahead of me where still at a full stop. With the traffic at the lights still at a crawl, the traffic around me starts to slow down. Every car is slowing down to about 30km/h, except for the Toyota Previa behind me. When I noticed that the van was coming at me at full tilt, I tried shifting my car down a couple of gears to gun it to the left turn lane. By the time i stepped on the gas, all i can hear was screetching tires. BAM! I was about to cry!

Got out of the car and ask the 17 year old girl if she was alright. Then I took a look at my bumper. To my surprise it wasn't that bad. A couple of scratches. A nice shape of a licence plate screw was showing on my bumper.

Poor girl though. She was scared. She took her mothers car. I don't think she was suppose to be driving. Anyways to make things short, I got the insurance info but I think they rather give me cash. My uncle is a mazda mechanic and says the damage is in the 300-400 dollar range (Canadian dollars)

He told me he'll take the bumper off and get it patched up. Then repaint it.

Think i should get the whole bumper replaced?

Anyways here some pics.


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I always go for a full bumper replacement.

But, those pics don't look too bad.

then again, painting over that is never going to be right again.
You're very lucky, those pictures don't look bad at all. You probally don't need to get a new bumper, just buff and paint, and take out any dents if any.
Yeah, honestly I would just get a few estimates and have the person cut you a check. Then I would just keep the money and put it towards something else. Because you know just as soon as they replace/repair the bumper cover, something else will happen. Shopping carts in parking lots and bad parkers always like to scratch up bumpers. Depending how bad it is, you could probably just use some touch up paint on it. But people have different opinions, so you may want it to look perfect again. In that case, take it to a body shop and have the bumper cover repaired or replaced and repainted.
mazdadan said:
Yeah, honestly I would just get a few estimates and have the person cut you a check. Then I would just keep the money and put it towards something else. Because you know just as soon as they replace/repair the bumper cover, something else will happen. Shopping carts in parking lots and bad parkers always like to scratch up bumpers. Depending how bad it is, you could probably just use some touch up paint on it. But people have different opinions, so you may want it to look perfect again. In that case, take it to a body shop and have the bumper cover repaired or replaced and repainted.

I agree, as Steve Miller once put it...

"Go on, take the money and run"

Get an estimate from the dealer and a couple of body shops. Fax the most expensive ones to the girl's parents. Take the cash. Buy a bottle of touch-up paint at the dealership and buff it out. Buy yourself something nice.
Sorry to hear/see about does suck, and I'd be pissed too, but look at it this's NOT really that's only the lower part of your bumper, and the airbags didn't go off (not that they should on a rear impact at low speeds). I'd have that small amount repaired if you want to have it looking new again....dont' spend the money on a new bumper cover and paint.

Good luck with whatever you do...oh and since they are gonna cut you a check...go to a few body shops (even Mazda) and get an estimate of how much it would cost you if you didn't know anyone who worked there and have them cut you a check for that (it is her fault after all, and maybe your uncle can't help;) )
The pics don't do justice to what it really looks like. But i guess i can touch it up my self. Just those welts in my bumper. Also my exhaust tip is a little scratched. All your suggestions are great and I appreciate them. Thanks Guys.

Talked to the mom last night and I believe the girl is paying for it herself. Man that sucks to be her. I just hope my bumper will look like new again. And i hope the paint will match.

Just thinking about this is starting to piss me off even more.

Don't feel will teach her a lesson to pay out of her own pocket. It will make her a more alert driver. Some young drivers have no respect for the road because they're mommy or daddy takes care of everything for them...

Ask LazerBlueP5 about that one.

...on a side note, my g/f knew a kid in high school that wrecked 4 mustangs and a camaro. His parents just bought him a new one each time...brand new.
Did the girl have a drivers license? Im sorry, But it pisses me off when people hit nice cars, no matter what they are. We spend thousands of dollars on our cars, and they have no respect.

I bet your bumper support is cracked, the muffler hagars snapped, you trunk is outta alignment. ECt Ect. You get my point. Get what you can, AND MAKE EM CLAIM IT ON THIER INSURANCE, TO HELL WITH THE DAUGHTER, AND THE PARENTS INABILITY TO CONTROL AND TAKE RESPONSABILITY OF THIER KIDS.

sorry for the rant, I just hate s*** like this, and feel that the parents should be held more responsablie then the kids, as its thier fault thier kids are soooo screwed up. Give a damn about what your kid is doing, and you wont have to pay out the ass for them . (rant)
sorry to hear this. Where in Richmond hill did this happen? Sounds like the famous Hwy 7 to me. Anyway, as long as eeryone is ok, you should be able to claim back some money from her and everything should be as good as new again. Don't worry about it. s*** happen. Did any police come? Did you guy's file a report?
Man, that really sucks. It doesn't matter if it's not that bad, with a new car it always hurts real bad.

Does anyone else here feel that it's too easy to get a license in the US?
I'm not sure how it's in Canada, but here any retard can get a license.
I've been rear-ended twice. There is always hidden damage (the last time $2000 worth after a very minor rear-ending at 30 km/h). Make sure you get a thorough estimate! It might look good on the surface, but its likely you have some crushing of the honeycomb energy absorbing stuff underneath.
Boostisgood - Damn I think you're more pissed off than I am. :confused: Whats wrong with me!? Damn! Must get more angry! :mad:

Limited: Damn nice guess. Hwy 7 and Bathurst. Got to be carefull around there. Once you hit the richmond hill area it's a Danger zone. Worst drivers in all of ONTARIO!

Just got off the phone with Avante Mazda. They told me the damage is about 500 - 600 dollars. They said it would be cheaper if it was a normal car. But since spicy orange paint is original, it will cost extra. There was no internal damage to my car. they checked everything and told me all i need is to fix the screw marks and repaint it.

Thanks for all your comments guys
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cbcbd said:
Man, that really sucks. It doesn't matter if it's not that bad, with a new car it always hurts real bad.

Does anyone else here feel that it's too easy to get a license in the US?
I'm not sure how it's in Canada, but here any retard can get a license.

Not only that, but any idiot who can pass an eye exam can get their licence renewed. WTF is up with that?

The test should be more extensive. You should have to back into a parking spot as well as parallel park. Although parallel parking may not be that important of a skill in the suburbs, it shows you know how to handle the car in tight situations. Besides, meneuvering (spelling) through a parking lot is where most accidents happen.

Driving is a privilege not a right...and it is granted by your state/province, not your parents.

How many of you can make it to the local store and back without witnessing a bad driver in action? Whether it be an old lady that can't see over the steering wheel, a teenager with a death wish, or a snobby college student changing lanes w/o using a blinker...bad drivers are EVERYWHERE. I'd go as far to say there are more bad drivers on the roads than good drivers.
Thats so true. Bad drivers are everywhere. Just be careful when you drive cause you know 50% of the drivers are not paying attention.

There worst is the people who read books and drives at the same time. That just ticks me off. God! :mad:
New York State has the right idea...

its against the law to talk on your cell phone while driving unless you have a hands-free device.

I think they just outlawed in-car TVs as well (for the driver).