Radiator fluid flush and refill?

Ok. I changed out the fluid... intresting how you gotta let it drain slowly than open it up more and let it drain but if you open it up too much it starts shooting out the side... anyway I drained it and refilled it but I didnt use any cleaner or water to flush it. I think it should fine... I mean it doesnt seem like a big deal. Also though... what should I do with the old radiator fluid? I'm not a crazy environmentalist nor am I someone who dumps oil down a sewer drain. There was no instruction on the new bottle of coolant.
DeadGeneration said:
Ok. I changed out the fluid... intresting how you gotta let it drain slowly than open it up more and let it drain but if you open it up too much it starts shooting out the side... anyway I drained it and refilled it but I didnt use any cleaner or water to flush it. I think it should fine... I mean it doesnt seem like a big deal. Also though... what should I do with the old radiator fluid? I'm not a crazy environmentalist nor am I someone who dumps oil down a sewer drain. There was no instruction on the new bottle of coolant.
Don't dump it in a sewer drain, dump it in a few portions in the toilet or some other sanitary drain, mixed with lots of water. The city's wastewater treatment system should be able to take care of it that way.
clicknext said:
Don't dump it in a sewer drain, dump it in a few portions in the toilet or some other sanitary drain, mixed with lots of water. The city's wastewater treatment system should be able to take care of it that way.

What if you live in a town that doesn't have a sewer system? I know back home I don't, dunno how well the natural filtration of a septic tank will do.
My trash dump also accepts used antifreeze. Big black metal container - similar to used oil.
i've had ppl tell me to just stick a garden hose in the radiator pipe, turn in on, and then turn on the engine and just let it run for a little while and it'll pretty much clean everything out, as best u can w/o cleaner.