Radiator fan turns on almost immediately after starting


Has anyones' P5 ever had this happen? And if you don't know, do you mind checking? :) My wife will start her car and even in the middle of winter, when it's below freezing, the radiator fan will kick on for 5-10 seconds every 30 seconds, from the moment she starts the car. I always thought the radiator fan was only supposed to come on when the temp reached operating temperature and the car wasn't moving fast enough to sufficiently supply the radiator with moving air to cool the coolant?

What is going on here?
I know on my MSPO...The fans would always come on right after starting the car for a few seconds.I thought it was odd..but it was normal.
Are you running the defrost by chance?
That will run the A/C fan(the condensor Fan) because using the defrost uses the A/C believe it or not.
Good point about the defrost... I'll ask her. I know my TSX has the same thing - turns on A/C to remove moisture when you hit the defrost button.

I'll also ask if it continually cycles on/off even once it's past the 1 or 2 minute initial startup period (but before the temp needle starts climbing to the normal range -- before this point, the fans should technically be off).