Protecting your stereo...


Granted if someone wants it bad enough they will get it, but here are some things I did to make it a little more difficult. Which if the car itself is stolen none of this will do any good.

Add an alarm. I installed the Hornet 564T alarm/remote start combo. The install wasn't too bad. All wires hidden along with a hidden siren. To that I added a battery backup and 2 small piezo 120db sirens (which are also hidden extremely well). I also have a glass break sensor/microphone on the way.

I recessed the door locks so that can't be easily opened by hand. You can do it without cutting anything as proposed in the "How To" section. You can just bend the rods, by hand, to pull the door locks down inside. That way it can easily be returned to stock if you don't like it. The rear doors were a little more difficult, but with a couple pairs of vice grips it can be done.

While I had the door panels off I pulled the wires to the lock switch in the drivers door. This will make it virtually impossible to get into the hatch without either the key or keyless entry remote. All the door locks still work perfectly with the remote from my alarm.

I mounted the amps under the seats. It would take forever to get them removed without pulling the seats.

And finally I have the box chained to the rear seats. So the only way to get the sub would be to pull all 10 screws. You can't even tell, it makes no noise and you can't see it.

I'm figuring most thiefs try to make everything very quick and easy, and nothing is quick and easy with the setup I have.

Anyone with any other tips please feel free to add a reply. I'm always up for making things harder on the thief (however not illegal! :D ).
have your s*** insured so if it does get jacked you get reimbursed. . . . . .oh how is the range on your 564? mine is decent. . . .too bad concrete walls kinda kill it
the one thign that sucks abouthaving things stealthily secured isthat once thief is in there, it doesn't take much of a screwdriver to go right through the cone of a sub...

That and don't underestimate the strength of a crowbar.. sometimes just letting s*** go is worth it in the long run instead of letting them cause damage out of frustration.
I really haven't had a chance to really check the range. At home it sucks. I live in an old house and the walls are made out of sheet rock.

Your right a screwdriver in the wrong hands could ruin my day. But I think the way I have things setup, the only way they'll be able to get in the car is to crawl through a window or use a slim jim on the door. Most of the thiefs around here are young kids looking for a quick smash and grab.
Poseur's right.

I had someone break into my Nissan a few years to go jack the headunit (I had forgotten the face plate on ONE night...blargh..) and the assfucks couldn't figure out how to get to the unit out of the DIN location, so they assfucked the screwdriver all over the dash and just ended up taking the faceplate...

Sometimes, it's just worth having a theif contribute to their petty little lives than to have your interior hacked to hell because they can't figure s*** out.
car insurance

i would also recommend car insurance that covers the sound system. an alarm only helps if you can hear it and you run out there to beat the s*** out of someone but you'll end up getting shot so **** it.

i have american family insurance and when my system got jacked they covered the entire cost of my system except for some older components which were depreciated just 10%.

i really don't think securing things down is going to help much because if you give them any trouble they will **** your s*** up anyway. they got into my car by carefully popping out the keyhole in the plastic handle. it's only secured by weak ass clip!

they ****** up my dash and ripped the s*** out of my door panels. getting your s*** ganked is a part of life you just have to accept.
Try this...put a siren inside the car, maybe under the dash. It will be so loud inside the car the thief won't be able to concentrate and ******* s*** up will be the last thing on their mind.

The best solution IMO is to be discrete about your equipment. The headunit is the first thing a thief looks for...if you can hide the fact that you have an aftermarket unit then he (or she I suppose) will pass right by your car. Of course, you have to remember not to bump in the wrong neighborhoods, including your own, because in most cases you will know the person stealing your s***. Don't tell your friends, or us, about your security features because that gives them the upperhand. Trust no one.