Post The BEST Pictures OF YOUR MAZDA



Just a couple from a recent "photoshoot" I did. Both shots are raw pictures and have been significantly reduced in size for quality. I wasn't happy with these at first but I think they actually came out alright.


Nice pics Alt.

What does the Guru of the Picture thread think of mine? How can I improve (keeping in mind those are raw photos)?
well, i can throw in my .02 while you wait for the guru!
i think your second shot is looking pretty good. cleaner than the first. the buildings make a good background and the low depth of field look is working. i would reposition myself and/or the car to cut out the overexposed sky in the background and the massive bird s*** next to the car! it's difficult to get a good exposure with large areas of dark and light in the same shot. you exposed for the car which is good, but ended up with a bright/washed out background.
Thanks! The "bird s***" is actually paint I believe. Didn't even notice it. This was all taken with a camera I knew nothing about, I don't know much about creatively shooting (I am more of a point-n-shoot camera guy) but my work has a very nice Canon Rebel XT with multiple zoom lenses so I figured it wouldn't hurt to borrow it for the weekend and see what I CAN do.
Thanks! The "bird s***" is actually paint I believe. Didn't even notice it. This was all taken with a camera I knew nothing about, I don't know much about creatively shooting (I am more of a point-n-shoot camera guy) but my work has a very nice Canon Rebel XT with multiple zoom lenses so I figured it wouldn't hurt to borrow it for the weekend and see what I CAN do.

haha... i guess that would have been one very large bird! the point is just be as aware as you can of EVERYTHING in the frame. a very common mistake people make is having some one else's junky car, a trash can/dumpster, or some weird pole/sign behind their car. not very flattering to their beautiful ride!
^ see that's what i'm talking about. putting some one else's crappy airplane in the backgr.... oh, wait. that's hot!

edit: did that cop actually let you take pictures after he pulled you? that is awesome!
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Those are older ones, few months ago. I haven't taken much lately, I was waiting to get spacers on all 4 wheels but thats been put on hold.

Anyways, thanks! (2thumbs)
^ see that's what i'm talking about. putting some one else's crappy airplane in the backgr.... oh, wait. that's hot!

edit: did that cop actually let you take pictures after he pulled you? that is awesome!

Haha, thanks for the love man. I know what you're talking about with stuff being in the background. It can make or break a good shot.

As for the cop, I was out that night taking photos in the snow at about 11:30pm. The cop came up to ask what I was doing and I just said it was for a photography project. As he left I asked him to turn his lights on for a photo and he was more than willing. Unfortunately, I only had time for 1 picture. The frame and whatnot is what came of it. I then removed the color and only kept the orange corners and the red/blue lights of the cop car. Probably one of my favorite shots ever taken...

So the story isn't as cool as if I had been pulled over, but the fact that he was cool with it (and I had the balls to ask) makes up for it IMO...