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I think people associate rally with offroad, and not the point to point timed racing that it really is..

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing Chico was: it would be a real shame to ruin that 20 some year old Porsche running through the dirt. I guess by default I associate rally and dirt/snow tracks.

For some reason, this looks like a toy car. I don't know why.
hahaha this picture is from a while back.....u chopped the bodykit, wheels/tires, door handles, and thats about it...
hahaha this picture is from a while back.....u chopped the bodykit, wheels/tires, door handles, and thats about it...

Close. The body kit is real. Chops are wheels, door handle, lowered roof line, and added a rear fender vent.
*slow clap* Very nice!

What program do you use to chop? I want to find one because all I ever knew how to use was MSPaint. This is what you end up with too. This was my Tacoma that I traded in for the MSP. This pic was taken at Drift Atlanta 2006.



After: (looking back, it wasn't as good as I thought)


I kind of miss that truck. People used to look at me funny cause I had the old "rebel" GA flag front license plate. It wasn't a racist gesture I just liked the way the flag looked to be honest.