Poor Mr. Letterman


One of the funniest things I've read... Here is the beginning of the article:

Letterman Restrained by Tormented Fan <!-- END HEADLINE -->
<!-- BEGIN STORY BODY -->By Sarah Hall Thu Dec 22, 2:02 PM ET

David Letterman has been temporarily restrained by a woman who believes that he torments her over the airwaves using a secret code. New Mexico resident Colleen Nestler filed court documents late last week, alleging that Letterman has been using code words, gestures and "eye expressions" for more than 10 years to convey his desire to marry her and train her as his cohost.

hahahah lmao

i have been noticing jessica simpson has been doing a lot of the same s*** to me... mmmm

terbow said:
nevermind her. the judge needs to be examined.
no. not until i get a restraining order against you, terbow. i see how your smileys look at me.

and your words.. those words... taunting my in a secret code that nobody knows but me. (glare)