Poll makes love to Doritos truck


Silver Bullet '07 MS3
Pole makes love to Doritos truck

These pics are no photoshop. I was working like any other day and all of a sudden I hear this huge bang! It almost sounded like an explosion and all of a sudden the lights flash and all the computers turn off. Then I hear someone scream 'oh my god...look outside!" and there was this doritos truck and some how the guy created enough inertia for the truck to hit the power line poll and have it rip the truck practically in half. I swear there's never a dull moment at work. But I thought you guys would enjoy the pics...sorry for the crappy cell phone photos..


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i would've "recovered" some nacho cheese doritos[/

Haha...I was thinking the same thing...the funny thing is that there was no traffic or anything on the road. It was the middle of the day. The guy must have been on his cell phone or texting. I guess this is just another example of how cars, or in this case a doritos truck will never be able to do battle with immobile objects on the side of the road...he's also lucky there was no one walking on the sidewalk.
Those box trucks are just sheet metal with little reinforcement. I'm a bit surprised it got through the front bumper and past the engine, but after that, I'm not surprised it went all the way through. My guess is it stopped at the rear axle, as that was probably the first solid thing crossing the truck laterally.

Edit: Looking at the picture again, it didn't go through the bumper or engine, it entered the side of the truck, near the door, so the bumper, engine and front suspension/steering didn't factor into it at all. It was all tin foil until it hit the axle!
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Where's Canadia Jen's avatar when you need it?...

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