Plug and Play ECU Harness


Has anyone bought the plug and play harness from Protege Garage yet? Better yet, has anyone tried to make their own with the parts from them? I know one side of the harness would need to be sourced from a wrecked MS3, would it be possible to use a reg Mazda3 harness?
I bought one from them. Took about 7 weeks to get it as they had to make it after I ordered.

I drove around for a few weeks with just the harness in place to make sure I had no issues. It works well but is pretty big. Not much room in there engine bay for it. I've had mine since early summer and haven't had an issue. The only thing that makes hooking up an EMS fun is that all the wires are white. I spent 3-4 hours counting wires, checking, and then double checking again to make sure I had everything set up right.
sorry i was lazy lol



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