Opinions, please


I'm thinking of getting another car; nothing wrong with the Speed3, it's just time. I was offered 16,000 for a trade; car is a GT with 3400 miles and pristine condition. I'm thinking it should be worth 18,000 or so. Any thoughts?

3400 miles and it's time? Sweet lord!

$16,000 seems kinda low for a brand new GT, but I guess it lost a lot of value as soon as you drove it off the lot.
Let's invent a time machine, and I'll purchase it from you in August '08 for $16,500. We both win!
Let's invent a time machine, and I'll purchase it from you in August '08 for $16,500. We both win!

Hell yeah! I paid 21k for a used 08 with 4000 miles back in May 08. So it was around the same mileage you have on yours for sale. But damn I would rather have had white than silver so s*** I wish I was around to buy yours for 18K right now!
Wow! talk about pissing thousands down the drain in a hurry. But yeah I would def try to get more than 16k from it and if you can't why not just stick with it for a while longer? I had the same thougts about trading mine in for an S2000 or something similair from time to time but it would benefit me much more if I wait. Besides this little wagon is fun as hell IMO.
With less then 15,000 miles... I doubt it will make a difference if you keep it a little longer and put some miles on it. From a financial viewpoint,your an IDIOT for doing it. But sometimes you gotta think outside the pocketbook. and only $16k for your car is an insult. I would of walked out the second they said the 6 after the 1. If anything, sell it private and get the money you deserve for it!
Since I got my MS3, my family has expanded so I went to the dealership last week for something bigger ... They offered me just under $15,000 for my 08.5 sport wih 13k miles. Its def worth more than that to me so I thought hell no! But yeah, trade in prices right now are s***.
With less then 15,000 miles... I doubt it will make a difference if you keep it a little longer and put some miles on it. From a financial viewpoint,your an IDIOT for doing it. But sometimes you gotta think outside the pocketbook. and only $16k for your car is an insult. I would of walked out the second they said the 6 after the 1. If anything, sell it private and get the money you deserve for it!

Yeah put it on craigs list or the paper or something. I bet you could at least 20k for it with it being a GT. Granted selling it privately will take a little more work on your part but it would be worth it since we're talking thousands here.
Thanks for all the thoughts. You confirmed what I thought, but the economy is so bad right now, I needed to get some other views.

Thanks again.
Yeah put it on craigs list or the paper or something. I bet you could at least 20k for it with it being a GT. Granted selling it privately will take a little more work on your part but it would be worth it since we're talking thousands here.

to take 16 for it would be fantastic....for the person buying it. It would suck for the seller because he just got hosed. Hold on to it or sell it private for more
I got a hell of a deal on my blue roller skate. 5,000 miles and it was an 07 GT with everything except navi and I got it for $19k (actually got the car for $10k after trade in on my eclipse, they gave me $9,100 for it). I'd hang on to the car until the economy picks back up at least.