Official: 2009 NEMS Fall Kancamagus Highway Cruise


Hello Mazdas 24/7!!

Back by popular demand, is hosting their bi-annual Kancamagus Cruise on October 18th, 2009. I know a lot of people from southern new england came last fall and this spring, we would love to have you again!! This is not limited to any type of car, so clean it up and bring it! Over 150 cars last year.... 1-5-0!!!!!!

This is a full day cruise with some beautiful sights in the NH white mountains and fall is setting in nicely up here!

Here is what we have posted on our site, feel free to join up and add your name to the RSVP List!


The routing will be the same as the spring one. We've gone over several ways to do it, and keep defaulting to the spring route.

Shelby is working on the google map routing now, and should be done shortly.

There will be Sponsors again this year with raffles for a variety of prizes. Last year we managed over $100 for the make-a-wish foundation.

We will pass out fliers with detailed directions and a map, the same as the last cruise. I'll man the bullhorn and bark orders (and order drivethrough) as in the past. Expect an organized event with lots of fun driving. Shelby's made some calls to the local authorities and has managed to get them to unlock the gate to the park, so hopefully we dont have to park 150+ cars on the side of the road again

Please be curteous. Stay in the right lane to cruise, pass in the left. Shadowing a friend inconvenieces other drivers not on the cruise. If you are in the left lane....DRIVE, KEEP MOVING!

KANC---- It's a two lane road. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. The law is aware we are coming and I'm sure will be on full alert.



Meet: 9am at NHTI (93N to 393E, 1st exit (1), more details to come)

Roll out: 10am SHARP!

Route Plan: 93N to exit 44 (straight into the Moore Dam Reservoir parking lot)

Lunch plan: 93S to exit 42. Food is either direction. We will plan on 1.5 hours worth of lunch break.

Route cont.: We depart Moore Dam and head south on 93 to 302.
-302 to bear notch
-bear notch to Kanc
-kanc to 16
-16 to Hurricane MTN
-Stop in Freyburg
-Back over Hurricane
-16 to Kanc
-Loon to 93S.

That's the idea, and it will be in detail with turn-by-turn directions when the time comes.
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