OEM nose mask?


2002 Protege5
i'm about to get my first mazda and it's gonna be a protege5! but i have a problem, would i be able to get one of these at a dealership still? or are there any aftermarket one's that fit as well as OEM? i'm going to do a lot of highway driving in my protege5 for college and wanna get one to help protect it...
I have a LeBra and the fit is pretty good actually. Mine is all torn up from long-time use; but in general, I give it two thumbs up.
Not to be THAT GUY but as far as I am concerned car bras are pointless. first off, they look ugly as sin. Second, dirt and dust and rocks and crap and water get stuck under there and then all that grossness rubs around and flaps in the wind over the front of your car, so now your "protective cover" is really a big piece of sand paper eating away at your clearcoat and then eventually your paint. And if that isn't enough to deter you from getting one, they are somewhat pricey. Oh, and did I mention that they make your car look absolutely awful?