Odd scraping noise

I have a 2009 GT with 46k KMS. I am also noticing a lot of rust and corrosion on the exhaust piping. My 12 year old Odyssey didn't have as much. If it is a stainless exhaust system it sure isn't good quality steel. Could be a problem in the future.

Look at this as an opportunity to get an awesome aftermarket exhaust to give the CX-9 some music out the mufflers.
Well, turns out it was the rear differential, had it replaced and came under the warranty by 1,000 miles. Recently heard that metal noise under the car and lo and behold it was the exhaust heat shield, all 4 fasteners were gone. Anyone know if you need this as I have ripped it out.

I wouldn't remove it. In the rare event that the carpet in your car catches fire..... also it could cause pre-mature corrosion of the metal floor above through road grime, steam from water hitting the muffler, combined with road salt. I bet a muffler shop could re-fasten it for you for 5 bucks.
I had this exact same issue develop in the past few months. The wife started complaining about a sort of metal whoosh noise intermittently while making a turn on the road. Turns out there is an aluminum pan that contours the rear driveshaft hump under the vehicle. The pan is riveted to the body with very week rivets. The passenger side rivet completely rotted away and then the driver side ripped out of the rivet.

All I did was get some 1/4" hex bolts and nuts with nylon (not sure what you call them). I used a 1/4" drill bit to drill out the rest of the rotted rivet and then the still intact rivet. Then I just used the bolts to bolt it back up. I had to make a new hole for the passenger side since it ripped the aluminum where the original hole was.

Just be careful as this is close to the gas tank. You'd have to mess up pretty bad though to do any damage to it.