Ocean City, MD Car Show

well then, isn't it about time then.hahaha

my aim name is blustrkmp3 if you wanna talk about it.
i dont have aim but i'm sure i'll be seeing you around town or if nothing else at your golden ring car show..

we also used to do featured profiles .. where we'd put a spotlight on one of the cars in our profiles section.. perhaps i should get that going again!
Did anyone who went to the OC see the Skyline rolling around? I saw a couple Pro5s and MP3s I also saw 2 or 3 Orange Mazdaspeeds but My mp3 is in the shop gettin the Tranny fixed so I was riding around a white civic hatch

Oh yeah and that Midnight Blue Protege with the Oldschool 2 piece headlights, That car is sick, I like it alot :)
fkmp5 said:
i dont have aim but i'm sure i'll be seeing you around town or if nothing else at your golden ring car show..

we also used to do featured profiles .. where we'd put a spotlight on one of the cars in our profiles section.. perhaps i should get that going again!

you know I think that I signed up on there a while back, but I dont remember my passwords (ofcourse) and I have way updated pics....

also...feature on mp3?? Im with derrick on that one.
maybe a vivid images feature????

wad ya think?
check your PM.. i will send you your password..

feature the entire VI?? wow.. you guys are sneaky :) just joking.. we've never featured an entire team.. the whole reason we got out of doing the features is because we don't want to hurt anyones feelings.. you know, we'd feature a neon, and someone would approach us like, why would you feature that neon, i'm your friend and I've got so much more done to my neon, blah blah.. you know how it goes..
(lol) dude, this thread is a year old. but you can go if you want. it just so happens to be next weekend for the o.c. show.
yeah, i love it when people randomly post in year old threads...guess its just a coincidence its nect weekend...

I predict it will suck more than last year did:(