New TV channel comming out in the fall *possibly NSFW*

Mr. 4500 RPM

Black P5
No Good TV *NSFW*-partially

well my father about 1/2 a year a go or a year ago gave me a dvd sample of this new tv channel comming out and its basically mtv + e! on steriods uncensored....basically its music videos uncensored and interviews with stars uncensored and it seems pretty cool. Gene Simmons is the chairman apparently and well im going to this cocktail/party thing for this company/tv channel today after work. it has a site and seems pretty cool i thought id share it with yall!
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well i was gonna go to this dinner thing tonight...but its a new tv channel thats going to come out soon and gene simmons is the chairman for it...its an uncensored tv channel that has interviews with all types of stars that are uncensored and uncensored music videos and the like...basically XXX s***
I wonder how much of an influence (if any) the FCC will have with this new "mtv+e." It'll be interesting (and cool) to see how this all plays out..
pro5maniac said:
well i was gonna go to this dinner thing tonight...but its a new tv channel thats going to come out soon and gene simmons is the chairman for it...its an uncensored tv channel that has interviews with all types of stars that are uncensored and uncensored music videos and the like...basically XXX s***

I don't know about anyone else, but if I want to see XXX s*** I'll go rent it. Kinda sounds like a hipper version of Springer Uncensored (as if it's hip at all)
RacerChick said:
I wonder how much of an influence (if any) the FCC will have with this new "mtv+e." It'll be interesting (and cool) to see how this all plays out..

FCC is only involved in network TV, not cable channels. So the FCC couldn't do anything, even if they wanted to.
Ha! I feel bad for you guys and the FCC. A good thing about canada is we can have uncensored shows on TV all the time. And our radio doesn't have to be censored either. Like, you can hear "s***, ****," all that kinda stuff on the radio up here, but I listen to american radio when I'm in the states and they censor "b****" or even references to guns... WTF is up with that?

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