new to the site with some questions


Hi, I my name is Gatti and I am in the market for a new car.

I've been a member of many various car forums on the internet ranging from all the way to so I know how these things work.

I REALLY want a MS3, but I'm more than likely going to have to settle for a 3 due to the ridiculous price it costs to insure a MS3. (1600 every 6 months vs. 1200 every six months.)

I recently read on that 3's have a problem with randomly stalling. I was wondering if this really is a common issue, and if it is, was it resolved for the MY08 and do MS3's have the same issue?

Also, since the regular 3 and the Civic SI suprisingly have almost the same exact insurance prices, which would you rather take?

a fully loaded 5spd GT 3


an SI with not very many options at all.
hhmmm......i thought the si start at 22k......not loaded and all...and last time i checked , base mz3 is 18k not loaded.....anyways, get the ms3 , even with 3 k more, its really worth it.... btw me and u get the sport version...its cheaper :)
wow those rates suck my insurance stayed the same between my 99 audi and my 07 speed 624 for 6 months ha full coverage ya shouldnt let ur insurance pick what car ya want
hhmmm......i thought the si start at 22k......not loaded and all...and last time i checked , base mz3 is 18k not loaded.....anyways, get the ms3 , even with 3 k more, its really worth it.... btw me and u get the sport version...its cheaper :)

You can get the SI for less than 20. Sticker is 21 IIRC. I priced a bare bones SI @ $3000 less than my bare bones MS3.
100% SI over a STD 3. Speed 3's are great but if you can't swing the insurance I would never settle on a non performance car instead. The money you put into a STD 3 would prob pay the differance to insure the speed 3.
You've shopped around for different insurance companies, right? I switched companies and now pay the same amount for full coverage on two very new cars (05 Hyundai Tucson and 08 Mazdaspeed 3) than I did for my old 97 Ford Explorer with a DIFFERENT company. Do your shopping for insurance. And definitely, if you haven't, take a safe driving course.

As for me, the best test is just to take some time and test drive the cars. Bring NO checkbooks, NO method of payment. Just some cash for gas to get you to/from dealership. And when they start asking, "So what are you looking to pay?" or "So did you like that one? What options are you looking for in one?" or anything like that, just reply with, "I'm only test driving right now. Just getting a feel for the car. But I'll take your card and call you when I've tested all the cars I'd like to."

If you're REALLY basing it on price, SI would probably be best. Compare a base SI with a VERY loaded Mazda 3, check to see what options are comparable between the cars (mpg, sound system, etc. etc.) and try them out.

But like I've been told in the past, drive them, and compare them closely. And take your time. you're going to be paying for it and getting in it almost EVERY day for the next few years. So get something you like.

Thanks for the replies.

Well... I'm currently with an insurer that, from what I hear, generally has the lowest prices most of the time. I did a free quote with Progressive anyways and it was even higher. I think the main problem is that I'm only 18 still... (shrug) yeah... I admitted it haha. I'll look around at more companies just in case.

I test drove a fully loaded 3 over the weekend, and it turned out to be everything I wanted in a new car EXCEPT the zoom zoom... My old car was an S14 with the stock motor and I/H/E and IMO it was slow. The 3 felt even slower haha.

While I feel like a standard GT 3 would be a GREAT car, I'm worried that after the first few months I'll be sitting at a red light one day and think, "Damnit... this car is slow. Why the hell did I just buy a brand new car, that really isn't that much fun to drive?"

... annnnd then of course the mod bug will get me, and I'll pour all of my money into it just like Craighjr said haha
Thanks for the replies.

Well... I'm currently with an insurer that, from what I hear, generally has the lowest prices most of the time. I did a free quote with Progressive anyways and it was even higher. I think the main problem is that I'm only 18 still... (shrug) yeah... I admitted it haha. I'll look around at more companies just in case.

I test drove a fully loaded 3 over the weekend, and it turned out to be everything I wanted in a new car EXCEPT the zoom zoom... My old car was an S14 with the stock motor and I/H/E and IMO it was slow. The 3 felt even slower haha.

While I feel like a standard GT 3 would be a GREAT car, I'm worried that after the first few months I'll be sitting at a red light one day and think, "Damnit... this car is slow. Why the hell did I just buy a brand new car, that really isn't that much fun to drive?"

... annnnd then of course the mod bug will get me, and I'll pour all of my money into it just like Craighjr said haha

i remember when i used to be 18, i thought hondas are the fastest cars on the streets, i didnt care about anything else that when my vtaq kicks in and it feels like a turbo to me !!! loL... and then a gti comes along and kicked my ass a bus load......ill never forget the loook on my face when that happened.... thats when i started getting serious on cars and finding out what is WORTH it to buy ;)..

so yea think about it dude... buy an si now....which is the same hp that honda ever did for the last 10 years....damn vtecs...or GET the speed 3 !!!

but u know what don't be stupid, which ever u can afford, thats what u buy !!!!!! just remember, happiness comes with a pricetag (protest)
My insurance rates were < $200/year different with the MSP3 vs MS3. Based on my experiences with my kid's Civic, I would pick either the 3 or MSP3 anytime.

Just so you know... I ended up getting a great deal on a slightly used '07 Si back in December.

Worst mistake ever.

I really wish I decided to go with an MS3 instead. Every time I spot one of you guys on the road I regret my decision. Paying about a dollar more a day for insurance is deffinetly better than:

-having to rev to 4k just to keep up with traffic
-dealing with the notchy transmission (it's heaven at first, but goes downhill really fast. especially 3rd which is notorious for grinding/popping out on just about every Si)
-having no torque
-having a interior that is already showing signs of wear at 15k miles and is a lint/hair/everything magnet
-dealing with the extremely easy to chip paint
-having a car that hardly gains any HP at all with modifications

VTEC looses its appeal pretty quick IMO.

The point is... If you're on this website looking for info about the MS3 and are also considering an Si.... go with the MS3. I'm really considering trading my car in to get a slightly used MS3 and I've only put about 4k miles on the Si since I got it. I'll probably be on this site more often now just to make sure that I really want to do it though.

What are some the main things yall dislike about your MS3's?

Just so you know... I ended up getting a great deal on a slightly used '07 Si back in December.

Worst mistake ever.

I really wish I decided to go with an MS3 instead. Every time I spot one of you guys on the road I regret my decision. Paying about a dollar more a day for insurance is deffinetly better than:

-having to rev to 4k just to keep up with traffic
-dealing with the notchy transmission (it's heaven at first, but goes downhill really fast. especially 3rd which is notorious for grinding/popping out on just about every Si)
-having no torque
-having a interior that is already showing signs of wear at 15k miles and is a lint/hair/everything magnet
-dealing with the extremely easy to chip paint
-having a car that hardly gains any HP at all with modifications

VTEC looses its appeal pretty quick IMO.

The point is... If you're on this website looking for info about the MS3 and are also considering an Si.... go with the MS3. I'm really considering trading my car in to get a slightly used MS3 and I've only put about 4k miles on the Si since I got it. I'll probably be on this site more often now just to make sure that I really want to do it though.

What are some the main things yall dislike about your MS3's?

I traded in my 07 Civic si sedan For a 08 Mazdaspeed3.

What do I dislike about the MS3? Well I guess it would be nice if it were a little better on fuel as gas prices are ******* killing me! Other than that it's been a blast.

I would highly recommend the car if you're buget is around 25k because there isn't anything else out right now that can match it's overall package / performance. IT's an awesome dialy driver as it has buckets of low and midrange torque. It's just such a nice overall car and for the price it's insane

Just so you know... I ended up getting a great deal on a slightly used '07 Si back in December.

Worst mistake ever.

I really wish I decided to go with an MS3 instead. Every time I spot one of you guys on the road I regret my decision. Paying about a dollar more a day for insurance is deffinetly better than:

-having to rev to 4k just to keep up with traffic
-dealing with the notchy transmission (it's heaven at first, but goes downhill really fast. especially 3rd which is notorious for grinding/popping out on just about every Si)
-having no torque
-having a interior that is already showing signs of wear at 15k miles and is a lint/hair/everything magnet
-dealing with the extremely easy to chip paint
-having a car that hardly gains any HP at all with modifications

VTEC looses its appeal pretty quick IMO.

The point is... If you're on this website looking for info about the MS3 and are also considering an Si.... go with the MS3. I'm really considering trading my car in to get a slightly used MS3 and I've only put about 4k miles on the Si since I got it. I'll probably be on this site more often now just to make sure that I really want to do it though.

What are some the main things yall dislike about your MS3's?
I got my Ms3 with 7k on it in mint condition. Best car I ever had and saved a few thousand compared to new.
No Torque? Did you mod the exhaust? If you installed an exhaust mod that reduces back pressure, it will seriously reduce torque (and therefore power, since power is simply the time average of torque).

In any case, Hondas are not now and never really were meant to be sports cars. The closest they ever came to a sports car was the S2K, but even that thing is a piece of unmitigated garbage and is way overpriced.

Hondas always cost 50% more than what they are worth. Even the HondaJet, their entry into the Very Light Jet (VLJ) market, is over $3.5 million, when most others are on the order of 1.5-2.3 million, and are faster, more efficient, cheaper to insure, and more reliable.

I guess they think their badge is worth that...
My Si is completely stock. I didn't see any sense in wasting money on mods that hardly do anything at all. (That is probably one of the main reasons I'm looking into getting a MS3)

After doing a quick search on Autotrader (since KBB sucks my D), I came to the conclusion that I could sell my '07 Si Sedan for around 22k and pick up a low mileage GT MS3 for almost the same exact amount, if not less...

There is actually a black '07 GT MS3 in my area (sort of haha) with only 8k miles for $20,300 that has my name on it :)