New Speed 6 Owner..... Zoom....Zoom


Hi everyone, just dropping a line as a proud new owner of a black cherry mica speed 6, just traded in a 06 Mazda 6 for it and havent looked back.....Turbo ftw.
I've been reading over the forums on new mods coming out, am really looking forward to what I can do with my ride. Have a question though if anyone can answer, I've noticed on mazda site that there is two versions of speed 6, Sport and Grand Touring, anyway of telling which one I've got? Mines fully loaded with leather Int., Advanced Keyless Entry, heated seats among other things but nowhere does it say whether its Sport or GT. Also any Oregonians out there?
Would be cool to get together for a Mazda Show.
anyways... peace out!!
congrats on the new mazda and good to hear of anouther upgrade in the Mazda family! If you are looking for new parts just keep your eyes peeled to the forums and check out my site or just send me an IM i would love to talk to you about any and everything you have to talk about :)

oops, looks like i've got two posts..... acidently hit post reply twice i think was experiencing lag when clicking the submit reply button earlier, prolly how i got two posts =/
welcome to the forums. Yup you got a GT. So post some picks sit back and relax. There is a fridge in the corner with beer (and soda for the kddies) some pizza and popcorn on the counter.