new shock = new alignment?


'02 Protege ES Sedan
i had a blown shock on the rear drivers side end, and i got it replaced under warranty, but my dealership said a new alignment is not nessacary. I was like WTF? i thought since they replaced a blown rear shock they would have to do a rear end alignment, and if u align the rear then you must do a front end alignment as well. :confused: for all of you who had a blown shock and got it replaced, did your dealership give you a new wheel alignment as well? Someone correct me if i'm wrong but this just makes since to me. I mean you have to remove the brake assembly, the strut, the spring, and then the shock itself, rip out the trunck lining etc... and then put everything back together, and to me, that would mess up the alignment, even if it's slight. And yes when i do drive now, my car tends to pull left slightly, and thats on a perfectly straight road, with no pot holes, bumps, etc... and no wind blowing. So someone tell me i'm right, so i can go back and b**** slap the Rep. at the dealership. B/c i don't fell like paying $130+ for a 4 wheel alignment when it could of been done for free under warranty when they replaced the shock. :mad:
if it was the front then I'd say that you do need one, but the rear struts aren't really that adjustable (read: not at all) in stock form
First off you should have had them replace both......chances are now you'll blow the other side (the newer one will over power the old).....And as for the alignment....Absolutly must be done...If they won't do it I would take some where that will check it for free get the printout showing its out and take it back to the dealership. P.S. most dealerships have to sub out their alingments because they don't have the equipment......
Yeah thats kinda fishy, I figured y=the dealer would install 2 new reasr instead of one and do a rear alignment.