New member, pointing out an annoyance


Hello everyone,

So I stumbled onto this site while searching for a solution to my problem. I don't know a lot about cars, so when I tried to search while not registered, i'm presented with questions about ... car stuff. tried changing the question a few times and i still don't know any answers. So i thought, might as well register, except i get the same damn thing. So, until i finally got a stupid easy one, i couldn't register. I think this is kind of ridiculous, as it alienates people that are new to cars.

I'm hoping the rest of the site is good though :)
What were the questions? Looks like you got one right. Welcome to the site! (2thumbs)

For what its worth I believe the challenge questions are to reduce the number of spammers that are able to register for the site. You can search for an answer whereas a spam-bot will have a tough time getting in.
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That's true, but there are simpler questions that most people would be able to get without having to spend a few minutes googling for answers.

Some of the questions are like:

Mazda _ _ _ _ _ _

and something about naming the best supplier of mazda parts, i can't remember anymore but it's quite obscure. Another one was "how many years has been running?". Seriously? if i'm just joining the forum, and it's not on the front page, there's no way i'm going to know this answer without doing a lookup on the domain.

The question I got right was something simple, filling in "forums" to a hint about the site.