New Mazda2 Moderator


'13 Mazda3 / '13 Edge / Your Mom
Hi everyone. New mod here.

Decided to help keep this forum nice and tidy. Don't own a 2 myself, but have driven one and can't stop looking for new information about them or new mods coming out. It is a great little car with a lot of potential! (whoops the fiesta in my opinion!)

If any of you need anything, or notice anything awry, let me know!

Congrats dude and the 2 is a nice little car. My bro-in-law was checking them out via the web over the weekend. He's looking for a replacement for his 2000 Saturn.

Congrats dude and the 2 is a nice little car. My bro-in-law was checking them out via the web over the weekend. He's looking for a replacement for his 2000 Saturn.

i know... i jumped right in head first! i just noticed a few spammers in the 2 section recently and asked if Antoine needed some help and now here I am over here too. I check here often since I want to see what is out there for the 2.. It is also on my list for.... (shhhhh) protege replacements.
Shhhhh is right...don't let her hear or she may get upset and go zoom-zoom-boom. haha Way to step up and volunteer!!
(i know... that is why i said shhhhhh.... she is right next to me pretty much... sleeping in the garage)

and i was kinda volunteered, but i had been thinking about it for a while since i had been seing a lot of spam again. so, it was just the nudge i needed.
what are you talking about? ;)

i posted that yesterday, waited 5 minutes for it, it finally came up as a double post... tried to fix, but it just sat there. so i gave up and logged out.

thanks for reminding me.