"New JR", or "ANOTHER supercharger question thread..."


2016 Scion iA
Ok, i have seen oodles upon oodles of old posts concerning the fitment of the Miata roots style Jackson Racing Supercharger on the 2.0FS motor. Well the general answer is NO, IT WOULD NOT and DID NOT fit without modification.

Well, now we are in a 'new era' of JR superchargers with the Rotrex superchargers... It looks like this system is very compact, and has very few parts... Possibly much easier to modify to the FS?

I guess I am just looking to the people who have some experience working with both the FS 2.0 and the BP 1.8 from the Miata... I know they are similar... do you think we have hope for a potential supercharger? What do others (more experienced) think? Discuss.

DISCLAIMER: I am familiar with all of the positives and negatives of turbos and the different types of superchargers so please dont just tell me to 'go turbo, its easier, better, whatever...' It all comes down to this: Some people want an inexpensive, lightweight, easy to install, easy to remove system to add power to their car (maybe not the most power, but more than normal NA bolt-on's can perform). This system looks like it might have some potential to do that. So Yay for a potential new choice of FI!
They really aren't much similar. They are from two completely different series of Mazda engines.. only thing the same about them is that they're both Mazda engines :p

I would love to supercharge my car, I'm sick of all the crap I'm going to have to go through to get my car up and running with my turbo.

I doubt anyone will try and say that a turbo is "easier".. :p
Kansei said:
They really aren't much similar. They are from two completely different series of Mazda engines.. only thing the same about them is that they're both Mazda engines :p

I would love to supercharge my car, I'm sick of all the crap I'm going to have to go through to get my car up and running with my turbo.

I doubt anyone will try and say that a turbo is "easier".. :p

It is when you just get tired of it and buy a turboed car. Tis what I did. But before I bought the MSM I had a 2001 LS and supercharged was one thing I was looking at but I changed my mind and wanted a turbo. It also helps when you are told that sc's are easier to manage than a turbo. Don't know if that's entirely true but I've been told that more than once. BUT obviously, I chose turbo over sc.
Yeah I'd looove to buy a MSM but I'd hate myself for using it as a winter car even more than with my Protege5.
Richard_rsp said:
do you think we have hope for a potential supercharger?

sure, why not make one yourself? You can farm out the work you don't feel comfortable with and source your own parts. Start by reading "Supercharged" by Corky Bell. Get the design down that you want and find someone to help you make it.

If you want advice you can pm me and I'll point you in the right direction.
Anon Y Mous said:
sure, why not make one yourself? You can farm out the work you don't feel comfortable with and source your own parts. Start by reading "Supercharged" by Corky Bell. Get the design down that you want and find someone to help you make it.

If you want advice you can pm me and I'll point you in the right direction.
It feels good knowing Corky Bell worked on my car. I like to refer to him as "God."
Kansei said:
^^ I wish I had the time to do that. :(

you don't have a single off day ever? What you do is take that off day...make some plans...take some measurements make notes. then on your next off day you dig a little deeper. In your free time try to find out where you can source yourmaterials...what all materials you'll need.

It's really very simple if you just take the time to try it.