New Custom Vented Hood


03 Protege 5



I had a really bad day!(sad1)
ouch :( that really sucks.
i wrecked mine last night, not that bad though. but im in need of a new front bumper. core support is twisted, fender is pushed back and down, headlights are pushed back, hood doesnt line up, and the radiator bracket is bent
Wow, seems to be alot of P5 front end damage lately. Drive safely and most important be very alert.
s*** son, i almost rear ended some retard stopped in the middle of the road for no reason cuz i looked down at my a/c controls. swerved around him tho, lucky. i now know where all the controls are without looking (peep)
I swear my brakes went out!

A Honda Pilot slammed on his brakes in front of me, I slammed on mine, too. But nothing happened, I just kept going..right under his bumper.

I guess now I should consider that mazdaspeed front end.
trickyp5 said:
I swear my brakes went out!

A Honda Pilot slammed on his brakes in front of me, I slammed on mine, too. But nothing happened, I just kept going..right under his bumper.

I guess now I should consider that mazdaspeed front end.
that sucks. id def have your brakes checked out for real.
and yea msp front end ftw
just ordered mine for $212 shipped (the place is in NC as well, so i think that made shipping a little cheaper
2nd one down is what you want.
trickyp5 said:
I swear my brakes went out!

A Honda Pilot slammed on his brakes in front of me, I slammed on mine, too. But nothing happened, I just kept going..right under his bumper.

that happened to me once. i hit my brakes for a red light and the pedal went to the floor but nothing happened so i yanked the ebrake and went around the corner :eek:
Well at least it only looks like you need a new grill, hood, and some patch up work on your bumper
ouch... no good. I'm in naperville (west chicago suburbs) you want to buy my old hood?


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trickyp5 said:
For all of you gents that keep referring to me as son, man, dude, etc. FYI I'm a girl.

(lol) (lol) (owned)

sorry for your car girl,its so sad,you had a real nice one,but its not so bad,its an easy fix...
ouch... same thing almost happened to me today... some guy turned out of a parking lot and into the the turning lane between both lanes of traffic (which is illegal)... then he waited there until i was almost right on top of his car in order to pull into my lane... i slammed on the breaks and squeeled the tires a little... stopped just a couple feet short... i would have been considerably angry if the circumstances had been different... hope you handled it well... i care a lot for my cars and it can let things really get under my skin
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