Need Relationship Advice ....


she is infinitely nicer and respects me more than I could have ever hoped for.

Thanks guys and girls alike for the continued support! Everything worked out!

that is the way it's supposed to respect and kindness :)

She's gorgeous, by the way! :D
glad you found the greener grass it is tough getting over an ex... im in that predicament right now would be easy, but i have a kid on the way with her so seems like shes gonna be in my life whether i want her to be or not
glad you found the greener grass it is tough getting over an ex... im in that predicament right now would be easy, but i have a kid on the way with her so seems like shes gonna be in my life whether i want her to be or not

If you don't want that relationship, it is just a timebomb waiting to explode. I was in the same situation, and thought I was going to marry the mother of my daughter. We all would have been worse off....