Need For Speed Underground 2

Tuned MP5T

Project MP5T
IGN give it a 9.1 for Xbox and 9.0 for PS2.

Gameplay is going to be good but I can do without the stupid looking bodykits.
WTF racing SUV's? (ricer)
i saw the launching party the other day on spike, looks good to me, after i buy it tomorrow i will know
what's with this thing lately where we start 15 threads about the same game?

Anyways, the game is a LOT better then the bad 1st one. I really like it so far. I still don't like the drift competitions which seem to be just pure luck rather then skill, but the rest is cool. And yes, there are SUV's. You can have more then one car and switch between them as you see fit. I started with a miata and h2. I can't speak for the console versions, but the graphics on the PC version is really nice. You can see a lot of detail in your car, and it runs really smooth on my system too at max details, and 1280x1024

p4-3.0 gig, 1.5gig hyperX ram
ati 9800 128meg

I really like this game so far. The whole driving around town is neat, and you can challenge other cars to outrun challenges where you try to loose each other. I spent 8 mins in my miata trying to lose a supra last night. We were going all over the place. I lost :(, but only because I crashed. It was fun

Killer is, half life 2 is out tomorrow, now I have a decision to make, keep playing this? or that.
Newf said:
. I still don't like the drift competitions which seem to be just pure luck rather then skill, .
no one could ever beat me in the drift s***, i could drift the entire tracks, definately not just "luck"...probably was good at it since that's all i did in that game, since i didn't like any other aspect of it.
Been playing underground 2 for few days now. I don't like the unrealistic arcade driving. I perfer Gran tourismo style of racing. The game is too Fast and Furious wet dream.

Graphics: 8/10
Chugs a little on my system

Sound: 7/10

Still only stereo sound come on Ea games. Music is ok.

Gameplay: 7/10

Fun and aggrivating driving miles and miles across to get to races.

Overall: 7/10
I played that first one a lot. I thought it was a decent game. I almost completely beat it, but my hard drive failed, and I didn't feel like starting over.
i liked the first one, beat it 3 times so i am ready for the new one..... 12 hrs until i get it
this one is a little more like the traditional NFS PC games. That is why I like it. Yes, the handling could be a little more realistic, but would it be too hard ???

I'm not into the entire fast and furious crap either. Remember, you do not have to rice up your car. My Miata has no spoiler, no neon, no stickers, just clean.

And if anyone can figure out how to tune the car on the dyno, let me know. Holy bazillion settings batman.
Well, I haven't played the second one yet, but in the first one, you were kind of forced to rice up you car to get the reputation or whatever it was called, so that you could earn more money. Did they do away with that?

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