Naw, Cindy Sheehan's not a nut!

hm.. going back in time to kill a pre-president infant?? this lady is a freaking lunatic
It would have been more interesting if she made the statement on how she fantasized going back in time to kill GWB, and then went on to say she has a time machine, but she just can't get over the morality (or lack or morality to be more specific) of murder.
i have no pity for this woman. she used her sons death as a political tool. This is not mourning. this is not missing a loss. Her actions show she has no respect for her son and his contributions. She is pushing her own political agenda in his name.
she pisses me off beyond belief. Shes blaming Bush for her sons death, like Bush shot her son himself. Go lick a nut cindy. If she was so against this war she should have been a better mother and told her son not to join the military in the first place. Idiot. I've thought many times of joining the Marines but my parents dont want me to possibly get killed and me being the last man in my family to carry on our name I want to live. GOD SHES DUMB
pfive said:
i have no pity for this woman. she used her sons death as a political tool. This is not mourning. this is not missing a loss. Her actions show she has no respect for her son and his contributions. She is pushing her own political agenda in his name.

It really is a shame.

No one put a gun to her sons head. He was a proud volunteer and we mourn his loss fighting to protect future generations.

Too bad his mother his mother is nuttier than my extra crunchy Jiff Peanut butter.

Addendum: Despite the fact that I consider myself a moderate conservative, I think that Ann Coulter could tone down her rhetoric also. But at least she makes cogent points unlike this wing-nut Sheehan. Notice how she was once a media darling and the liberals rallied around her...until they found out she was Koo Koo for Cocoa puffs and they silently distanced themselves from her.
Donas64 said:
It really is a shame.

No one put a gun to her sons head. He was a proud volunteer and we mourn his loss fighting to protect future generations.

it reminds me of the MTV 'documentary' about high school grads entering the military. one girl joined up and then when deployed said "well i never expected to go to war or anything."

this is the military, not a country club. the purpose of the military is not to give you scholarship and job training (the commercials would have you think otherwise).
Maybe the Armed Forces should put disclaimers on thier commercials like other companies do to keep the stupid people from killing themselves.

"Get money for college, learn how to work on complex computers, be all that you can be!" If we go to war expect to get shot at and/or blown up.

Captain KRM P5 said:
it reminds me of the MTV 'documentary' about high school grads entering the military. one girl joined up and then when deployed said "well i never expected to go to war or anything."

this is the military, not a country club. the purpose of the military is not to give you scholarship and job training (the commercials would have you think otherwise).
xelderx said:
Maybe the Armed Forces should put disclaimers on thier commercials like other companies do to keep the stupid people from killing themselves.

"Get money for college, learn how to work on complex computers, be all that you can be!" If we go to war expect to get shot at and/or blown up.
Agreed, the military is using romance to seduce youth into paying the human price for our wars. I feel sorry for the enlisted, not proud.
Hmmmmm, Let me see.......volunteer army.......who forced her kid to go and join?

I feel for her loss, its sad for a mom to lose her child, but he died for what he signed up to do. Its been a couple years now too......

randyscycle said:
Hmmmmm, Let me see.......volunteer army.......who forced her kid to go and join?

I feel for her loss, its sad for a mom to lose her child, but he died for what he signed up to do. Its been a couple years now too......


(mswerd) to the turd!!!!!!!!!
Pro5Monkey said:
Geeesh! You'd think she'd lost a loved one and gone a little nutty or something.

She is an utter disgrace to every parent to have lost a child in this war or any war. I just write her off as a meaningless lunatic.
toucci said:
Agreed, the military is using romance to seduce youth into paying the human price for our wars. I feel sorry for the enlisted, not proud.

Don't feel sorry for those who are or have enlisted, (present company included).

If you go in for only those reasons of college and to learn a skill, then the military takes as much advantage of you as you do of it.

Most enlisted people go in for those reasons AND for love and service of their country.
65racecoupe said:
Don't feel sorry for those who are or have enlisted, (present company included).

If you go in for only those reasons of college and to learn a skill, then the military takes as much advantage of you as you do of it.

Most enlisted people go in for those reasons AND for love and service of their country.

Excellent points both.
When I got out of AIT and we were all getting our orders the first Gulf war was starting. Some had to go right after basic. Most of them said they only joined so they could go to school. Those are the ones I don't feel sorry for.

As for this lady, I don't even care anymore. Hell no one listens to her.
When did it become fashionable to question the necessity for people to fight? None of us can say at this point in time whether the conflict in Iraq is a waste or not, we do not have the luxury of historical perspective. Our country was founded by those who believed it was imperative to fight for freedom no matter the cost. Times have changed but that fact has not. There will always be those who want to oppress others. It has been shown that political measures rarely, if ever, work on these sorts. Like it or not, we have the position of the world's policeman. We are damned if we do, and vilified if we don't. So should we sit idly by and let the world go to hell in a handbasket? Our country had an isolationist policy back at the time of WWI, and it did us absolutely no good.

Any adult who voluntarily joins any endeavor should be aware of any possible ramifications to that action. If you are being trained to shoot at people, you should reasonably expect they might shoot back. If that bothers you then don't join up.

What I am getting at is even though war is hell, the alternative is worse. My grandfather entered concentration camps at the end of WWII and never spoke of what he saw there (I found out by accident). I mourn for the loss of loved ones in any conflict, but I also respect their sacrifice. I have no use for anyone who tries to dilute that.