my stupid toe


my stupid big toe is numb for like a week now. well, just the tip, but still numb.

what the hell?
I hate doctors...they always have bad's funny cuz you always end up telling them what your problem and by the time they give u a diagnosis your ass is walking out cuz you basically figured it out your damn self.....if I can only prescribe myself my own pain killers when needed....My wife would hook me up i hope...since she works in the Pharmacy.
the same exact thing happened to me before and i was buggin out since my toe was numb for weeks. but i talked with my friends dad (who's a doc) and he was like "yea it's probably just a pinched nerve - give it some time." so yea, after like 3-4 weeks it was back to normal...
yep probably a pinched nerve, my left hand was partially numb from that for a month.
No, no smoking, although i figure i should just pick up drugs and stop worrying about thing like this.
Dexter said:
No, no smoking, although i figure i should just pick up drugs and stop worrying about thing like this.
haha, then you'll sit around and trip out on your numb toe! :D
Same thing is going on with my GF right now. Her toe has been numb for days.
I get numb toes if the temp outside is below 40 degrees. Kinda sad. I have really poor circulation. I've gone through periods where I absolutley could not feel any of my toes.