My STI Was Stolen 8/7/10

Kill switches would of been best. Mainly when traveling. 2 of them atleast IMHO.

But has alot of people in NJ.
that sucks. did you have your mods listed on your insurance policy?

No, however I do have the receipts for a majority of the work that was done. I am going to submit them and see what happens? And I agree now that kill switches and fuel cutoffs are the way to go. But unfortunately that wasn’t the road I took this time.

Like I said, I went to NJ for a wedding. Not to hang out, party, sight see, etc. So my judgment of researching the area I was traveling to was clouded by the weekend being dedicated to the wedding and the hotel that was recomenened.

I agree, the guy either spotted it while I was out or followed us back, or it was an inside job. Housekeeper’s boy friend picked her up, saw the car, and called his buddy type of deal. Ironically like I said, things slowed down sooo fast, but he had to have had it hotwired in less than a min, min tops. With no clothes on, I felt limited to really break any windows, etc. And I know folks say, I would have done this, or that. But I also had my wife outside yelling and screaming and I had to ensure she wasn’t going to get run over by the guy when he pulled out of the space. I have no doubt in my mind he would have run either one of us down if we stood in front of the car.

I'm the process of submitting all the paperwork and have been researching 08-10 STI's. Trust me; my next car will rely on more than a factory car alarm. I thank all of you for your support, and I will keep you posted.
No, however I do have the receipts for a majority of the work that was done. I am going to submit them and see what happens?
that's the best you can do but i would say good luck. part of insurance is based on the value of the car. if you're now coming after the fact and saying "oh btw the car is worth $X more because of all this stuff you didn't know about" the ins co probably won't be too happy about it. if it's a few things they probably wouldn't care but i would guess you put quite a bit of money into your car. in addition to the new alarm going forward, depending on how your ins co treats you with this, you may want to consider explicitly adding mods to your policy to guarantee they're covered should something bad happen
People call me crazy for the things I do when my car is going to be parked somewhere like that. When I parked my MS6 at the airport for the weekend a couple of years ago, I got under the hood and pulled the fuses for the ECU, fuel pump and starter and took them with me to Houston. If they wanted to steal it, they'd have to find a tow-truck low enough to get inside the parking garage, or push it up and down all the ramps to get it out.
Wow.. that is awful. :( I am so sorry to hear about your car.
And I know folks say, I would have done this, or that. But I also had my wife outside yelling and screaming and I had to ensure she wasn’t going to get run over by the guy when he pulled out of the space. I have no doubt in my mind he would have run either one of us down if we stood in front of the car.


Gl & I hope your next subi (Or whatever you go with) is as legit as this one. Don't let this stop your mod bug. Just learn from it and implement a layered security system next time.
I like this idea better than hidden switches.

Ya, if you're car will be sitting over the weekend in a parking garage. Not if you're inside your hotel room getting ready/dressed to leave for a wedding shortly... ;)

Also, kill switches and fuel cuts aren't necessarily physical switches. Just layers of security built into the security system. My kill switch is activated w/ my key fob by hitting the unlock button 2 times consecutively. (2thumbs)
Someone asked for the VIN incase the person who stole the car was dumb enough to part it out and then sell parts on forums, Craigslist, EBAY, etc...

The VIN is (JF1GD70604L517664)

Thanks for everyones help
Just saw something cool on TwoGuysGarage. Essentially you hard wire a cheap phone inside your car and set it up to auto-answer. Then if your car gets jacked you can call the police, give them the phone ID number and they can call the service to triangulate the position. Its not as good as a GPS tracker (as it only gives a general area)but it'd be pretty cheap and might work in the above case. They were saying that you can get a phone plan for a few bucks a year if you never or rarely use the phone, which would be the case if used for this purpose.
Well I get the feeling Progressive is really trying to milk this "30 day" window. (Even though it’s not referenced in the insurance policy anywhere) I spoke to the adjustor this morning and he claims he is going to start determining the value of my vehicle this week? Apparently he was out of the office last week, and his supervisor was assigned to my case in his absence. Meaning my claim was sitting on his desk collecting dust while he was away.

I told him that we are now 15 days in, and I expect to have an offer from Progressive on Wednesday or I will be seeking alternate measures to resolving this matter. He then said that he would not promise they could make me an offer by Wednesday, but he would touch base with me on Wednesday to give me an update on where he was with the claim.

My frustration levels are reaching an all-time high, (bang) might need to look at getting back on my blood pressure meds LOL
This just inThe guy from Progressive calls me this morning and asks me to find similar vehicles and what they are being sold for?

I told him that I wasn't trying to be rude, but as the adjustor he should be doing that and then making me an offer?

He then said because my vehicle was unique, he wanted to get a better understanding of the value of the vehicle and what they are being sold for.

I told him that I also didnt want to hurt my chances of getting a fair offer, and that it would be impossible to do an apple to apples comparison because my car had lots of money invested into the modifications, and it was built professionally built at Agile Motorsports in MD.

So I basically told him that I would see what I could find, however after more thought Ive emailed my attorney and asked for his advice.