My P5 finally finished check it out

rofl! you all MURDERED! this guy. I don't feel bad for him. I'm not a fan either. its just a weird combination of taste: like a Frankenstien. I hope you take the advice from those that offered [constructive] critism
yah no ones here to put you down, like we said, everyones got theyer own opinion and its YOUR car so you could say to hell with all of us...Consider us over-acheivers, a battle of the P5's but its nothin but love man...
murda79 said:
Did you rattle can your exhaust manifold too? Looks like there's over spray all over the place.

Looks a hell of a lot better than my rusty hunk of cast iron. I'd prefer his any day.
thrasher said:
Looks a hell of a lot better than my rusty hunk of cast iron. I'd prefer his any day.

People have tried to paint it before and it just flakes off due to the heat. It does look good now however.. :)
hello guys
Thanks for all critics, that’s why I posted those pictures so I know what need to be changed. I put altezas because my factory lights were broken when I bought the car.
I will fix the wire cover where over sprayed. The red engine looks a lot better in real than on the pictures!!!!
I am appreciate suggestions but some guys here are just asshols – but never mind you have to deal with this, probable you are invisible in real live so I guess its a good way to show here how important you are!!!
drukkosz said:
hello guys
Thanks for all critics, thats why I posted those pictures so I know what need to be changed. I put altezas because my factory lights were broken when I bought the car.
I will fix the wire cover where over sprayed. The red engine looks a lot better in real than on the pictures!!!!
I am appreciate suggestions but some guys here are just asshols but never mind you have to deal with this, probable you are invisible in real live so I guess its a good way to show here how important you are!!!
If im not mistaken I dont believe anyone was trying to be an "asshole" or even remotely out of line so you may want to read over the post's one more asked "what do you guys think?" everyone gave thier opinions...No one was telling you what you HAD to change my friend...It was all just input but take it however you want to..theres no certain way your car has to be and your the one driving it so who cares what everyone else thinks, theres no rule that you cant have altezza's on your car man...Keep it however you want it(freak)
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I have to agree ^^^

Sorry but it's the internet, This is a great group of people with a lot to offer you.

You asked for an opinion, we gave you one... Bluntly in some cases..

If you want us to tell you it's nice, next time post..

"Tell Me You Love My Car"
"What do you think about my car"

Have a look at what some people have done to their Proteges. If you like start with mine, it will show you what can be done and why what you feel is really really cool, seems like normal to this forum.

There are hundreds of members here who love their car as much as you seem to . Don't give up on this forum, It's worth you time.
hey, it's your ride, do want how you want, but when you ask for opinons, you'll get them here for sure!(2thumbs)
People are being real with you bro, you want people to lie to you? Props for the work though.
Brian MP5T said:
I have to agree ^^^

Sorry but it's the internet, This is a great group of people with a lot to offer you.

You asked for an opinion, we gave you one... Bluntly in some cases..

If you want us to tell you it's nice, next time post..

"Tell Me You Love My Car"
"What do you think about my car"

Have a look at what some people have done to their Proteges. If you like start with mine, it will show you what can be done and why what you feel is really really cool, seems like normal to this forum.

There are hundreds of members here who love their car as much as you seem to . Don't give up on this forum, It's worth you time.
This forum will save your life bro...and when you get a chance, watch brians MP5T wont be sorry..It shows you just how much people here love and appreciate P5's...good luck man
Yah I would have to agree with everyone one else that you will never be done with it. There is always a mod to be done and a better performance parts to upgrade to. So a couple pointers and hints for you are as follows:

1: I saw that you painted your exahust manifold with out even taking it off. So one the exhaust manifold gets red hot and it wont last long so I would suggest getting some headers(OBX are recommended and usually the cheapest), and two clean up the silver paint that got on the rest of the engine bay from you painting the exhaust manifold.

2: An easy way to change those tail lights with out even buying new ones is to use a tint spray. If you have an ebay account do a search on VHT tint spray and buy a can of that and tint your tails with it. I just did mine not to long ago, here is a pic of mine:


if you notice I made stecils from tape to tint all but the two lower turn and revearse lights.

3: Some good performance upgrades to start off with is the OBX headers that I mensioned above, Mazdaspeed P5 axleback, and some lowering springs

There are lots of good how to's and mod ideas on this site so take some time and look through all the different areas of this site. Good luck and godbless
To those of you that bashed this guy, would you talk to your mothers/sisters/wives/children that way when asked am I old/fat/ugly/stupid? Hell no you wouldn't. Half of you probably have pictures on the fridge right now that you wouldn't dare speak of that way. Mazda/Protege/forum family my a$$. Whether his paint looks professionally done or not does not matter. The fact is at least he had the gumption to get off his a$$ and do something. Maybe he can't afford wheels/springs/airbags/stereos whatever. How many of you did any designing yourself? I'd bet there aren't more than 20 original ideas on this entire forum. And those that bashed him, maybe 5. Do you know his financial situation? Maybe he can't afford to buy big ticket items right now, in which case he's done a great job with what he's had to work with. Or maybe he's rich in which case he could afford to have someone else do the work and he's chosen to tackle it himself. If so bravo! The point is just because he asked your opinion doesn't give you the right to talk about his work that way. I dare those of you who had something non constructive or that could even be misconstrued as non constructive to post pics here and now. "I'll be your Huckleberry!"
P.S. Ever wondered why it is that even an all stock vehicle meticulously cleaned and maintained catches your eye? The answer is someone loved it enough, isnt that why we're here?
drukkosz said:
hello guys
Thanks for all critics, thats why I posted those pictures so I know what need to be changed. I put altezas because my factory lights were broken when I bought the car.
I will fix the wire cover where over sprayed. The red engine looks a lot better in real than on the pictures!!!!
I am appreciate suggestions but some guys here are just asshols but never mind you have to deal with this, probable you are invisible in real live so I guess its a good way to show here how important you are!!!

Just FYI: The rotor pictured on your driver side front is for the passenger side. The slots are pointing in the wrong direction. This might cause problems if you are planning to do any kind of performance driving.
Props for doing the work....Props for loving your P5....In the future, a bit more patience, a bit more technical of parts prior to painting...

I have absolutely no problems with your "style" or what you've done, just the manner and skill in which it was executed.....which is learned from experience.

So good work, continue to learn, and don't ever say your project car is "done"...Take what you've learned from the work you've done and improve your skill...Come back and show up those that you feel wronged you in this thread...
speedymp5 said:
To those of you that bashed this guy, would you talk to your mothers/sisters/wives/children that way when asked am I old/fat/ugly/stupid? Hell no you wouldn't. Half of you probably have pictures on the fridge right now that you wouldn't dare speak of that way. Mazda/Protege/forum family my a$$. Whether his paint looks professionally done or not does not matter. The fact is at least he had the gumption to get off his a$$ and do something. Maybe he can't afford wheels/springs/airbags/stereos whatever. How many of you did any designing yourself? I'd bet there aren't more than 20 original ideas on this entire forum. And those that bashed him, maybe 5. Do you know his financial situation? Maybe he can't afford to buy big ticket items right now, in which case he's done a great job with what he's had to work with. Or maybe he's rich in which case he could afford to have someone else do the work and he's chosen to tackle it himself. If so bravo! The point is just because he asked your opinion doesn't give you the right to talk about his work that way. I dare those of you who had something non constructive or that could even be misconstrued as non constructive to post pics here and now. "I'll be your Huckleberry!"
P.S. Ever wondered why it is that even an all stock vehicle meticulously cleaned and maintained catches your eye? The answer is someone loved it enough, isnt that why we're here?

Honestly I think the guy can defend himself. Nobody is flaming the guy personally. Relax and take a chill pill bro. The problems with forums is the fact that eveyone has a different style for their vehicle. People are giving their opinions. Just have to take it with a grain of salt. (2thumbs)