My Mazda 6 got broken into 'electronically'...what's the point of locking the doors?


2007 Sport wagon
This weekend my 07 Mazda 6 Sport Wagon was pilfered of it's contents - GPS, Radar Detector, a couple of tools, connector cables, sunglasses. I park in an unsupervised underground parking lot under community housing on Princess Street (St. Lawrence Market area of Toronto) for $175 a month.

No glass was broken, no damage incurred to the car at all. When I walked up to it both the front windows were down, the glove box contents were on the floor and the center console lid left up. I'm positive I locked the properly the night before as I was making an attempt to fix my tailgate lock - which no longer unlocks.

Could this be a case where someone used some sort of universal remote to open the doors?

If so, is there any point in locking the car anymore?
In the decade of ownership and being active on all the Mazda6 specific forums, this is the 1st time ive heard of it happening. But with the right equipment, a thief could get into most any car with keyless entry.