MSP on Street Fury TV

Anybody catch today's episode and see a certain orange msp with orange tint in the background shots?

I know it's a lame show, but hey having the car on tv is having the car on tv. (first) I missed the airing but hope to catch the replay tonight. Look for the white guy in the blue Texas Rangers hat ;)
Sorry, I cant watch that show. I've tried though because they have alot of nice cars and events that they go to. But the idiot that hosts it is a dumba$$. He's too annoying for words. When they come up with a better host, I'll start watching it again.
I tivo every episode just in case there actually is some nice cars or footage. I'd say maybe 10 minutes of it is actually worth watching. I new Big C was a jackass when he asked one of the models if she had drove the NSX or whatever it was, and if she knew how to double clutch (like she should have been). That cool though, I'll look out for the speed
laracroft said:
Sorry, I cant watch that show. I've tried though because they have alot of nice cars and events that they go to. But the idiot that hosts it is a dumba$$. He's too annoying for words. When they come up with a better host, I'll start watching it again.

Yo! Yo! This is Big D here as SEMA, ima pretendin' to look at cars when really i'm tryin' to grab some of dis' girls ass...OH look a shiny car...MAD PROPS YO for spending a ridiculous amount of money to make the car glow in the dark...

now hold on...cuz after the break i'ma try to actually TALK ABOUT CARS!!

i watched one episode, never watched it since. :)