MS6 Full Gauge Sweep on startup - Vid inside

Whoa! Put your 2 year old in the "For Sale/Group Interest" section. It's the best new mod out there.


I'm curious as to how that was managed. Only kids, with their wonderful curiosity could find something thousands of us have been missing for the last few years.
Interested on how you got this to happen. Let us know if you figure out the sequence to do it.
Interested on how you got this to happen. Let us know if you figure out the sequence to do it.

You have to rewire an NES gamepad with the OBD-II port and then enter the Konami code 3 times sequentially in less than 10 seconds to get it to work.

I'm guessing that he found some sort of IP test mode, since the gauges go full sweep, the chime changes pitch/speed, and the idiot lights all come on.

Anyone with the FSM want to chime in on possible ways to do this?
Mine has done that on numerous occasions when I have used a jumpstart box to start mine with a dying battery. Also my previous car used to do the same thing when the battery was dead. Could it be your battery is getting low?
Mine did the same thing after I got the maf wet with my "almost hydrolock" scare. I don't know why, but it did it evry startup until I replaced the maf????