MP5 broken into


2003 P5
Sadly, my mp5 was broken into last night. So here is the good news and bad news:

* Nothing stolen other than an ipod cable (i keep nothing of value in my car)
* Minimal damage (no smashed windows or broken parts inside)

* Thief used something to bash the driver side keyhole in, as a result the bezel around the drivers handle is cracked and i assume the keyhole is a little damaged

The keyhole appears to still work, so it seems like all i need to do is replace the bezel around the handle. Not sure how much work that is, but seems like it should be easy. I am a little disappointed that even though i locked my car, it is so easily broken into. I am not entirely sure what the technique used was, maybe just the old fashioned key bumping... In any case, kind of annoyed, but on the other hand happy that this will hardly affect my day to day.

p.s. will post pictures of the damage later this evening.
How lame is that? Damaged your ride for a stupid cable? At least if he stole the stereo or something the effort would have been worth the damage...for him at least. Prick. Sorry to hear man.
i'm guessing he expected to find an ipod on the other end of the cable, but i usually carry that inside with me (for this very reason).
That gives you a reason to take the cable with you next time =D or stash it away out of sight. But sucks to hear your car got broken into.
yeah keep that ipod out of sight, i am definitely not leaving anything that would look valuable or encourage a thief since my breakin.
That sucks! Good that you keep nothing of value in your car. Smart! I do the same. At least the low life knows he completely waisted his time. Good luck on the repares
...and stash those GPS units!

And clean the sucker circle on the windshield thats says: ' i have a GPS'.
that sucks, im sorry to hear that man. didnt have the alarm set? i even set mine at my own house
I hate to worry you but its possible that you could get hit again. If the perp found an ipod cable but no ipod its very possible that you could be targeted again in hopes of an ipod
Man that sux, but I agree with carter, careful as he may attempt to break in again. Maybe try putting a sign up saying "nothing of value after 9pm" or something...
I speak from experience. A few weeks ago someone broke my window and stole my headunit. A week later, I caught 2 punks outside crouched near the fenceline, one of them with what looked like a jack. Im thinking they were coming back to steal my rims. Shoulda beat their ass but I didnt technically catch them in the act so I couldnt do much more than scare them off with a huge metal rod.


Forgot to add that I also had a gucci sunglasses case and macbook charger, and ipod cable at the time of the break in. (not that id ever leave any of the stuff that goes with it in the car) Anyway, if they are willing to take the risk they could come back in hopes of finding something of value
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