Mazdaspeed Emblems?

Does anyone know where to get the Mazdaspeed emblem from the mazdaspeed protege or any good looking mazdaspeed emblems. I would like to put it on my car once i get all my mazdaspeed parts installed. So far i have Racing Beat Exhaust and Struts. I need stabalizer bars, but mazda says they only sell the front stabalizer bar for the protege 5. So where should i go to get some good stabalizer bars for my P5? Next week i should be getting my Injen CAI.
just to let you'll have to cut some plastic in the back to put that strut bar in...
also try they have the same mazdaspeed badges that mazda puts on the rear of the msp.
ok, cutting stuff off the back shouldnt be a problem. Me and my friends always put stuff on cars and usually have to trim stuff in order for it to fit properly. By the way, anyone know if a KKK turbo is any good or if it will even fit on the P5's?
perfect had the one that i wanted. the one from the new mazdaspeed protege that had mazda written behind mazdaspeed. thanks alot protejay5