Mazdaspeed 3 T-shirt?

I'm in for a T-shirt.
Anyone know where I can find a mazdaspeed patch.
I want to cover up a logo on a jacket with a patch?
Here are my thoughts. First let me preface by saying that I appreciate someone putting time and effort into the designs. I like the idea behind all but one. Anyways, onto my thoughts:

Picture #1
I like the "MS3" logo and the shot of the car. The wheels look really odd on the car and it ruins the picture for me. The stock wheels would look better on that. Also, I think it'd look a lot better if it said MAZDASPEED3 with all the characters being the same size. I don't really like the MazdaSpeed3

Picture #2
I really like this one. Again, the wheels (or lack thereof) ruin the picture for me. This is a really good design.

Picture #3
I love this idea. Probably my favorite design. I don't like the text nor how it's angled. Also I think if there was color in the "options" (grocery bag, kids, donkey) it'd look better. It's a tad bland. Again, fix the wheels on the car.

Picture #4
I don't like this design at all. Just looks cheesy and I'm not interested enough in this idea to even comment further. I would not purchase a shirt like this.

Picture #5
This is my second favorite design. I really like the idea. I have the same issue with the text in this one as I do in the first design. I think a consistent MAZDASPEED3 would be much better. Also the curve lines (body detail) on the car I find distracting. Again, the wheels...
Here are my thoughts. First let me preface by saying that I appreciate someone putting time and effort into the designs. I like the idea behind all but one. Anyways, onto my thoughts:

Picture #1
I like the "MS3" logo and the shot of the car. The wheels look really odd on the car and it ruins the picture for me. The stock wheels would look better on that. Also, I think it'd look a lot better if it said MAZDASPEED3 with all the characters being the same size. I don't really like the MazdaSpeed3

Picture #2
I really like this one. Again, the wheels (or lack thereof) ruin the picture for me. This is a really good design.

Picture #3
I love this idea. Probably my favorite design. I don't like the text nor how it's angled. Also I think if there was color in the "options" (grocery bag, kids, donkey) it'd look better. It's a tad bland. Again, fix the wheels on the car.

Picture #4
I don't like this design at all. Just looks cheesy and I'm not interested enough in this idea to even comment further. I would not purchase a shirt like this.

Picture #5
This is my second favorite design. I really like the idea. I have the same issue with the text in this one as I do in the first design. I think a consistent MAZDASPEED3 would be much better. Also the curve lines (body detail) on the car I find distracting. Again, the wheels...

I'm gonna say +1 on this, although maybe that is part of the detail that Bill originally said was still to come.

My favorite by far is #1, I just think its awesomely simple, and the final design of that logo is hawt...also I like #3 but would like to see the car bigger like someone said before.

#2 is an awesome design, but not really feeling the whole "wild child" gimmick...but it is a very cool design.

#4 is pretty cool, again probably better saying mazdaspeed3, and #5 i think just doesnt have enough life.

Great designs, thanks for puttin in the work!! Can't wait to own one.
Much appreciate all of the comments, guys. The lack of details on the wheels, I am fairly certain, is one of those things he has yet to address, detail-wise. Not gonna sweat that. I also noticed the lack of detail on the grocery bags in Design #3, but it looks like maybe he just used some clip art for those, so I was going to just ask about making the grocery bags look a little more realistic.

#1 and #3 are my personal favorites. (#3 having been my idea, I am a little biased there, of course) But I really love what he did in #1 with the "MS3" clasic Mazda logo one-off concept I suggested (Based on Karl Hungus suggesting the classic Mazda logo in the first place). Adding color & depth really makes it pop.

I'll wait until we get a few more replies to go count, but it seems like the most positive responses have indicated #3 and #4 are the group favorites thus far. If that's how it pans out, maybe we can get the image from #4 as a front pocket placement, and use #3 for the back. Or who knows... Craig said he still had other ideas brewing, too. He's just got a lot on his plate right now, so it may be a little while before we get all this finalized.

Still waiting on Antoine to give me a response on doing this thru the site as a group buy. I'll send him another PM to see if I can catch his attention.

Remember--- keep the comments coming!!! I especially appreciate responses like Moultese & a few others made, making comments on each design's pros & cons. Very good stuff!
Dusted off my Photoshop and combined #3 and #4:

I think it looks better if the turbo is shown in the front wheels - so maybe make "IT HAULS:" smaller or lower it?
I think it looks better if the turbo is shown in the front wheels - so maybe make "IT HAULS:" smaller or lower it?

Yeah, after I looked at it, I agree. Probably just move the car up a tad to show off more of the turbo-wheel. I already merged the layers and deleted the master, so I'd have to redo it.
^...pretty cool mix of the 2, the grocery icon just doesn't match the other 2 in terms of cartoonishness and the bold outlines. much better than the old cardboard cutout one though
I guess I'm the only one that doesn't like the turbo for the wheel. I find it almost tacky. I'd love that if it was just a wheel and no turbo.