Mazda North American Operations Get Prez

great, another ford guy.

Just what MAzda needs

If Mazda isn't careful, they are going to become a victim of the same problem as Ford, and they'll be seen more as an American ( Ford ) company, and not a real Jap. import company. That is NOT good.

If i do get the speed, it may be my last Mazda. I'm not buying anything that has a lot to do with a Ford. I buy Jap cars, and that's it.
newf said:
great, another ford guy.

Just what MAzda needs

If Mazda isn't careful, they are going to become a victim of the same problem as Ford, and they'll be seen more as an American ( Ford ) company, and not a real Jap. import company. That is NOT good.

If i do get the speed, it may be my last Mazda. I'm not buying anything that has a lot to do with a Ford. I buy Jap cars, and that's it.

yup, the 'speed will probably be my last mazda, unless they continue the RX series. i like the new style mazda has, but it wont cover up the s*** ford will be ******* up for long.
Yeah, and this new prez was head of the Lincoln brand. Hardly zoomzoom. Anything but. I want Charlie Hughes back...

It may not be "Zoom-Zoom" in the sense of small and sporty, but they have done an amazing job refining the entire line up.

Just about everything in the line up has been revamped in the past few years and the interior refinement has become top notch. There isn't a model you can't buy a V-8 version of! You can bad mouth US automakers all you want but IMO Lincoln has done all they can to dig out of that hole.
If you haven't been in the new Lincoln LS, you're missing out. It's spendy, but it's a hell of a car. I never thought I'd say that about a Lincoln, but it's true.
But how has Lincoln as a brand been doing? They're trying to turn things around and they are coming out with some nice cars, but quality is still not as good as it should be. Look at the Focus.

And remember the Ford Explo-roll-erer mess that Ford got themselves into - Morale at Ford is very low right now and quality can't be high. The Explorer issue was not a tire issue, it was a design flaw in their car and the way they handled that issue pointed at deep entrenched problems at that company.

A long time back my father purchased a Mark VII. Very nice car, luxurious, with a Mustang motor. But the car was falling apart at 25,000 miles. He got rid of it and got a BMW. I have lost trust in Ford, and I hope John O'Sullivan will really step up, leave Ford behind, and do what it takes to keep the Mazda Revival going...
You people truly amaze me. You have no idea what goes on at Mazda but you are so quick to pass judgment. If you have not noticed in the last few years Mazda has pulled away from the heavy Ford influence and setting its own path. Yes the new COO is a Ford person but so was Mr. Hughes. Yes we do benefit from the technology Ford has to offer and yes Ford owns a part of Mazda but it does not control it. Ford did not want Mazda to build the RX-8 but we did.

Before you condemn the man give him a chance. And unless you personally know him you have no right to judge him. I have met him and he is a very straight up person and in no way wants to change the direction this company is going.

So unless you know what the hell is going on just keep you damn mouths shut!
We miss Mr. Hughes...

insider said:
You people truly amaze me. You have no idea what goes on at Mazda but you are so quick to pass judgment. If you have not noticed in the last few years Mazda has pulled away from the heavy Ford influence and setting its own path. Yes the new COO is a Ford person but so was Mr. Hughes. Yes we do benefit from the technology Ford has to offer and yes Ford owns a part of Mazda but it does not control it. Ford did not want Mazda to build the RX-8 but we did.

Before you condemn the man give him a chance. And unless you personally know him you have no right to judge him. I have met him and he is a very straight up person and in no way wants to change the direction this company is going.

So unless you know what the hell is going on just keep you damn mouths shut!

Dude, chill out a bit, willya? Charlie Hughes did a great job, and I think we're a bit uncertain what his departure meant for Mazda.

As I wrote in my earlier post, I really hope Mr. O'Sullivan will step up to the plate and leave Ford behind. I have no trust in Ford at this moment, and really, I wish Ford would have nothing to do with Mazda at this time, given the problems Ford had with the Explorer and the way they handled it. Yes, Ford did help with the Mazda turnaround but I have mixed feelings about it.

I was also really pissed when I read that Ford almost killed the Rotary, but the engineers at Mazda didn't give up. Kudos to the Mazda engineers and kudos to Mr. Hughes who was also an avid Miata/zoomzoom fan. Mr. OSullivan should continue in that path, and I hope he can succeed at it.
Will someone buy 36% of Mazda so they can do what they want and continue to build cars that are pleasing to the customer and not just their pocket books?
Ford....ick. the explorer ain't the only car/truck they've made that sucked.

I'm 28, and I've yet to see a Ford I like, and that hasn't fell apart. Everyone that I know that has one....well....their crap. Door handles falling off, windows falling inside doors, seats braking, trannies dying, a/c screwing up, radio's dying, seat belts a stickin, and Won't even get into the mechanical aspect of it. We had a F150, I think we replaced everything under the hood, and underneath the truck at least twice. 90, 000 kms on it, and we just gave up. never in the woods, never hauled a trailer, I think if we did, the damn thing would've blown up sooner. We could't go anywhere for a long trip without it breaking down, over heating ( over heating in NF weather HA HA) it was horrible. Then I was a DJ for a about 11 years, first we had an old Dodge van, then went to the Ford, and I'd say they were about equal engine wise for troubles. But there wasn't a door or seat, or window left working when we got rid of the Ford. 120,000 kms, two trannies and when we got rid of it, 3rd gear wasn't working.

I won't get into the Taurus's, Explod'ers, rustangs, that all my friends have had.... CRAP CRAP CRAP.

I'm also very worried about ford/Mazda. I'm trying to get into the Speed now, basically because I don't know if I'll trust moving into a Mazda 3 next year. want to see their track record before buying one. Same goes for the 6. I just won't buy one until they prove themselves. As for the MPV...won't buy it, their Trucks...Won't buy it....tribute....hell no I won't buy it. So, is this REALLY helping Mazda???

I guess it's true that the average car buyer is a moron. Hence why the big 3 sells so many cheap POS.
I owned a 91 Escort GT. I loved that car but it did have its problems. And it was always the stupidest things. Damn electric seatbelts seized, radio clock always burnt out....but nothing serious. I also find it hilarious that my Protege Engine looks identical to my old escort. I guess some things never change:)
In some ways I'm grateful that Ford is providing some financial stability to Mazda. Let's face it - there's no way Mazda is competing on its own against the Toyota, Honda, maybe even Nissan.

I'm also grateful that Ford has thus far kept the integrity of Mazda intact.

Mazda still has its own engineers, and the sticker on my Protege5 still says it's made in Japan of Japanese parts.

The only effects you're going to see of this change at our level is to things like finance, North American customer relations, dealer structure, sales/marketing, etc - things that Ford has excelled at in this country.

So I see this as a good thing.
andy_guerriero said:
In some ways I'm grateful that Ford is providing some financial stability to Mazda. Let's face it - there's no way Mazda is competing on its own against the Toyota, Honda, maybe even Nissan.

I'm also grateful that Ford has thus far kept the integrity of Mazda intact.

Mazda still has its own engineers, and the sticker on my Protege5 still says it's made in Japan of Japanese parts.

The only effects you're going to see of this change at our level is to things like finance, North American customer relations, dealer structure, sales/marketing, etc - things that Ford has excelled at in this country.

So I see this as a good thing.

Financial stability, yes, thanks to Ford, and probably better global management. But they almost killed the Rotary!! You call that leaving Mazda intact? Mazda's engineers are the ones to be credited for saving the Rotary. They spent their own money and time and sweat to continue working on it. At least though Ford has decided to pretty much give Mazda more leeway after that.

But we're seeing more than changes in sales/marketing etc. Ford is sharing the Protege platform with the F**c*us and a Volvo model, starting with the 2003 P5, and it's FUGLY. ughh.
MadBiker said:

Financial stability, yes, thanks to Ford, and probably better global management. But they almost killed the Rotary!! You call that leaving Mazda intact? Mazda's engineers are the ones to be credited for saving the Rotary. They spent their own money and time and sweat to continue working on it. At least though Ford has decided to pretty much give Mazda more leeway after that.

But we're seeing more than changes in sales/marketing etc. Ford is sharing the Protege platform with the F**c*us and a Volvo model, starting with the 2003 P5, and it's FUGLY. ughh.

You've got a good point in that. I guess we just have to hope that Mazda makes Ford better more than Ford makes Mazda worse. Otherwise, I'm going to have to find a new car company that hasn't sold its soul to corporate America.
andy_guerriero said:
I guess we just have to hope that Mazda makes Ford better more than Ford makes Mazda worse. Otherwise, I'm going to have to find a new car company that hasn't sold its soul to corporate America.
Yep, I agree. But with all this globalization going on, it's hard to find a non-americanized car maker nowadays. I think maybe Honda and BMW are it. Maybe Nissan too but it's controlled/owned by a European company. I can't think of any other carmakers that aren't diluted by corporate America.

Bentz - merged with/took over Chrysler/Mitsubishi (but now that's a good thing)
Nissan - controlled or owned by Renault or something
Suzuki - controlled or owned by GM. Daewoo falls under GM also.
Toyota - the fugly Matrix platform is shared with Pontiac Vibe

any other non-americanized car makers??
1997 Ford Probe GT 135,000 miles. Not one malfunction
1991 Ford Escort LX 182,000 miles. One replaced clutch and timing belt
1998 Ford Taurus 111,000 Miles. Not one malfunction
1992 Escort GT 198,000 miles. Treated like crap and has only reqired major part replacements!
1992 Mercury Tracer 127,000 miles. Zero problems but two sets of tires because driver is brutal on cars

2003 MSP 2,800 miles....Stereo is defective, the clunk has begun the alignment is incorrect from the dealer and it rattles like a mofo behind the dash.

I love my Mazda but this is just my family and those are personal experiences. Ford has crap for service and general customer treatment. The techs are half assed in my experience and because of the volume through most dealers is so high personal treatment is poor at best.

Heathen23, I'm not sure I get your point. From what you've experienced with your Fords, looks like you've had pretty darn good experiences with them. Wish my father's Lincoln Mark 7 lasted at least 75,000 miles (U.S.) but nope. Like I wrote above, it was leaking oil, electronics were going funky, clunking in the suspension, all starting at 25,000 miles. Our first and last Ford brand car. Otherwise it was a fun and neat car to drive and be driven around in.