Mazda Madness 2004


Sparco Freak!
Titanium Grey 2003.5 MazdaSpeed Protege
Origanaly posted on the MPSport.NET forums.

Well after the success of Mazda Madness 2003, we are planning on doing it again this year.

We are looking for idea's, a possible format change, instead of a competition, we may just have a big BBQ meet.

Door prizes and vendor section, an area for "show" cars and maybe a people's choice award.

DJ for music, run the show from around 11-5pm.

Any suggestions, idea's, them up. I would like to get 150 cars there, considering we had 77 cars last year and only 5 protege's we should be able to get 125-150 quite easy.


Just charge for food like last year, Burgers $2, Hot dogs $1, drinks $1 etc...

So give us some feed back and let me know.

I was also thinking of a RC autocross.