Mazda HQ in Santa Ana


Mazda cx-9 GT and 6 GT
So I received a surprise today from FedEx. Mazda HQ that is located in CALI sent me a money tree as a thank you for purchasing the mazda 6. How thoughtful. Anyone here receive such gift? I even got a dedicated personal contact person from there that called to see how the mazda 6 is doing. Perhaps they realize I also own a cx-9...
I'm not good with plants but mine is still alive. I've heard it's bad luck if it dies. lol.
Received a tree today also. But no gift note from Mazda, only from 1-800-flowers.
my dealership is getting a $25 Target gift card for test driving. Usually if you are about to buy the car, if you ask for some of the swag they have in their display cases, they'll kick down with free stuff. All they can do is say no...