May 12th Meet @ Protege Garage

sanblaster1 said:
Nice red-x David.




where was the jew joke i totally missed that

ken... you guys don't fix NOS bottles at all do you? mine is leaking where the valve screws in

blue sun... i like that pic! awesome lol
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projectmx said:
where was the jew joke i totally missed that

ken... you guys don't fix NOS bottles at all do you? mine is leaking where the valve screws in

blue sun... i like that pic! awesome lol

we can look at it, i wont promise anything though
sanblaster1 said:
Matthew you still going early?

sure am.. what about you?

p.s i seriously am 100% jewish both mother and father are.. although i dont take offense to jew jokes but some other people might, so yes might want to lay off them
Ken, your shop looks amazing! Sorry we were only there for a short time. I had the wifey with (surprised that she agreed to come with) then nagged about leaving as soon as we got there (she's not into the car meet things unless it's a cruise meet, and even then it's questionable)

Next meet I'm there solo and for the long haul!
blue-sun said:
Ken, your shop looks amazing! Sorry we were only there for a short time. I had the wifey with (surprised that she agreed to come with) then nagged about leaving as soon as we got there (she's not into the car meet things unless it's a cruise meet, and even then it's questionable)

Next meet I'm there solo and for the long haul! think you're sooo cool cause you own a mr2. lol.
blue-sun said:
Ken, your shop looks amazing! Sorry we were only there for a short time. I had the wifey with (surprised that she agreed to come with) then nagged about leaving as soon as we got there (she's not into the car meet things unless it's a cruise meet, and even then it's questionable)

Next meet I'm there solo and for the long haul!

yeah man i understand that part of marriage :( next time i'll have to get you your gauge rings though!
Captain KRM P5 said:
yeah man i understand that part of marriage :( next time i'll have to get you your gauge rings though!

yah, i remembered a few mins after I left. That's ok, I'll make a trip up there once the bushings come in!
ken thanks for throwing a great party! wish I could have stayed longer... it was nice seeing you all again and meeting some others for the first time