Manual or automatic tranny


2004 Subaru Impreza WRX PSM sedan
You heard right this is it the thread you have been waiting for no on the count of three i want u topost y your tranmission is better than the other kind...ok

is your screen name "mp5 type r?" hee hee. that's funny. type r. and if you have leather, you're type s, right? hahahaha. sorry, couldn't resist.

now if you are a typer, as in a typist, then i apologize.

anyway, automatic is better if you don't have a left leg.
wurd ...btw the name is a running gag with my buddy steve...just a joke im not guna badge my car with stupid stickers or anyhting
Automatic is better cuz you can drive and get road head @ the same time, cruise control baby
Ice Box said:
Automatic is better cuz you can drive and get road head @ the same time, cruise control baby

My 5 speed and cruise worked fine for that...

She had to be sort of athletic, but that's a good thing. ;)
im guna do one now. here is the ultimate equation for anything and everything
1/4 time
automatic > manual
automatic< manual
automatic + race = owned all over
auto matic = bad( unless ur disabled )
Manual provides better power transfer. There is no loss through a hydraulic 'connection' like that found within an auto (torque converter).
i have a 5 speed and i love
1st thing is that 5speed is quicker than an auto
2nd cruise controll works great with the manual
so i say u should get 5 speed cz it for 1 gets better gas milage and ITS JUST BETTER! :cool:
manual lets you actually drive your car, sooooo much more enjoyable from a drivers stand point.

p.s. if you can't get head while drivin a stick you're an idiot. Just get on the highway and cruise in 5th :)
manual is quicker...get a quick launch and you'll do a decent 0-60.
automatic is usually slower by a second or two.
with a stick you have better control over the car, acceleration, top speed and beter torque.

with an automatic you press the gas pedal and hope for the best.

automatic is more comfy to drive, more convenient and it's good for stop and go traffic

if you want to feel the car and have 100%control stick is the way to go
I'll lend you my experience...I went from a 5 speed to an auto and back. There's good and bad about each, but if you like to driver then a stick is the way to go. Here's the breakdown:

Stick - Good: manual control - you choose your gear.
more fuel efficient
better acceleration and overall performance
it's something everyone should know

Bad: sitting in stop and go traffic
requires some practice -- zero idiot factor

Auto - Good: your grandmother can drive it.
conducive to cruising...or laziness

Bad: poor acceleration
worse gas mileage
no "control" over what gear you're in -- every auto is different, but if you're gonna shift it then but a stick.

What really swayed me to get another stick is when I'm merging on the highway and I need the transmission to kick down a gear. I get a big time lag before the kickdown -- this is in a 2001 Focus. I like to be in control of my car and feel what happening -- I also lucked out in that the only car with anti-locks was also a 5 speed! ;)
Well one 'positive' aspect to the automatic in the protege5 is the sport mode. While you lose that 5th gear you can at least opt for some control over the gears, unlike a standard automatic. However, you're going to pay almost $1,000 more for automatic than a manual.

I went with automatic, don't really regret my decision. But I do get a kick out of the manual drivers that praise their trans for the power. A whopping 130hp!
Spaz -- Yeah...I liked the idea of sport mode, but I won't buy a car without anti-lock brakes, so I kinda lucked out. Sorry if my post seemed a little rough on you auto guys -- to each their own. :D
No worries, I took no offence. I don't regret getting automatic nor do I feel offended when someone prefers standard over automatic.

Obviously some cars require manual, sports cars or exotics. However with a 130hp grocey getter that will never see a dyno or track, I could careless.

besides what was already stated (better gas mileage, more in control, etc, etc..) you can 1) downshift to save on your brakes.. 2) downshift from 5th to 3rd for a real boost.. and 3) you don't have to hold your foot on the brake at every freaking red light.. (unless it's an incline).

more than anything, i love the stick because it makes my slow car feel fast :)
Hah! I've got an auto and I'm going NA for my engine mods. Now both MP5typer and Darin can flame me! (flame) j/k :D

James T