logitech mice


has anyone had any experience with the LX series? their latest one is LX700, i'm liking it a bit. problem is tho that the mouse seems to be a rather inferior one compared to the mx700 or mx510...and with an occasional beatdown on CS from time to time, i wanted to know if anyone has tried playing games with the mice that comes with the LX series, basically the logitech cordless click plus mouse. "fast RF" vs "MX" i suppose.
man, what a random post...
yea i think the mx700 is the 2nd best in the logitech lineup, right after mx510. maybe i should go get the mx700 duo instead of lx700...but hmm..
the rf vs mx thing is logitech's cordless transmission lingo i think...apparently the lx series is "fast RF" and the mx series is "mx"... *shrug* basically i don't want the cursor to be jumping around the screen when i move it "fast."
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hmmm I dunno, I bought the Keyboard and MOuse package, it is freaking awesome. I play alot of games and the mouse is plenty quick and the charging/receiver base is kick ass. The keyboard has lasted over 2 years with the batteries that came with it and the mouse never dies cuz it charges when you put it on the base. GET IT!
i got this one


KpaBap said:
dual optical pwnz all, bitches!
yea! i wanted the dual optical...but they seemed to have discontinued it..i wonder why.
the drawback for that one is that it's not cordless. i'm making the transition from corded to cordless now (about 3 years behind everyone else) cuz it's pretty cheap and my desk is cluttered with cables. and besides, altho i can get a new dual optical for about 60 bucks out there, a cordless keyboard/mouse combo is about 75 bucks.. i dunno why i like the lx700 combo more than the mx700 combo...maybe because the latter is too common.
I have always had MS mice. I just didn't like anything else. Well recently I upgraded my machine and one of the things i got was a Antec P160 aluminum case that's black/silver. All my old stuff was boring beige.

So....first thing I wanted to do was get a new keyboard. I had a MS internet KB pro. Couldn't find one I liked at all that was black until I came across the Logitech Elite. So I bought it. I also had beige Altec Lansing speakers....so I needed speakers now. Looked at everything, and ended up getting the Logitech z680's. Now, coming home looking that keyboard/everything next to my mouse...well, that beige/silver intellimouse had to go. I loved it, but come on, it "clashed" with everything else :)

So, I went out looking for a mouse. I tried everything. Mice are a very personal preferrence thing. I liked the MS Mice still, but not as much as my old one, and I couldn't find a black and silver one. I wasn't interesed in wireless. I liked the MX510 the most, but found no black, and the bowling ball surface looked cool, but I thought that it would get slimey in the hands after a while.

Ironically, today, I came across someone selling a brand new logitech MX-500. Same as a 510, just a little slower sensor, but still better then the dual optical mice from a year ago by far. I used it all day at work, and now I'm home using it. Loving it so far. In fact I wish I had one at work because it's got a cool button on it that is just like hitting the alt-tab buttons to switch programs, but a LOT faster. I call it the "OH NO, THE BOSS IS COMING" button :)

I'm a big gamer, so this thing will have to meet certain expectations. I tried a few games so far, and it's really nice so far. Some of the Cruise buttons near the scroll button can be hard to reach, but at least I won't hit them by accident. I also seem to have a bit of a problem with the included software mapping buttons wrong in games. So, I need to either figure out a way to remap them, or revert back to the built in XP driver for all mice. I've already tried that, and it works just like the MS mouse did so I'm happy there, but I lose the "boss is coming" button. Still trying to work around that one. The shape of the mouse is identical to the 510, but without the slippery surface. Rubber grips on the side are very nice.

If I had the the money, I'd get the new Laser mouse. I have read countless good reviews on it, and the built it charger, and lithium battery is a real plus. no more changing AA batteries, and just charge it overnight when your not using it. Lithium batteries also last forever. Apparantly no lag on that thing which is why I stay away from wireless for games. But, it's $$$$. A little too much for me to spend on a "mouse". But if I had the money, that is the best damn mouse I'd get right now. The MX1000

so basically, even though I never tried it, I have logitech everything now :) I even now have two logitech kb's and mice at work machines, and another one on my laptop, and another on my home server.

So yeah, I like em.
I have the MX510 and I'm very happy with how it reacts. For CS, its probably one of the best for gaming IMO.
haha i love logitech stuff too. i dunno why. ever since i got the z-2200 speakers (i have an old laptop so no 4.1, 5.1 for me) i've just stuck with logitech..altho i only have like 3 of their products. now i just want to get rid of these cords, and besides, i have 2 desks set up in an L shape so when i'm working on one desk and get an IM, i hate having to reach over to the keyboard drawer to type everything.
i would get the new laser mouse...but i've been reading on the logitech user forums lots of problems with wobbliness and less than expected precision. and it's also a first-gen product so i might want to wait a little for that tech. and it's $70...a little high imo. the mx700 duo is cool, but i've seen many many posts with the mouse not wanting to charge. i'd def get the mx510 if it was cordless. this http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=486,CONTENTID=9438 is what i'm looking at right now...but the mouse might not be hardcore enough....can i get you guys' opinions on it?
thanks for all your input guys.
If you're into gaming whether a little or alot, NEVER BUY CORDLESS! They aren't as responsive as corded mice and I'm saying this from experiences (Trust me on this one). I'm also an occasional CS player and I have MX500 which I'm loving it, and it's also very comfortable for everyday use. I personally have a pretty big hand than usual people and MX500 fits my hand JUST fine (where my whole palm lays on the mouse). This is the way I see it, you'll never get a mouse that will work FOREVER, why bother spending over 60 bucks on something that might break down in a year? Get one with a reasonable price and work effective mouse.

Anyway, you should really go to Best Buy and feel the mouse yourself, which ever fits your hand best and comfortable, yet a reasonable price. IMO, I have MX500 and I will get another MX500 if this one breaks and they aren't too expensive.
ah yea....i forgot that was the reason i didn't want to get cordless in the first place. now i'm focusing on convenience. i guess i can't have it both ways...i need to get both a corded and a cordless mouse haha. now that would be a waste of money.
I have an MX1000, and I love it. It's just as accurate as an MX510 as far as I can tell, BUT it's a pretty heavy mouse, and there is a millisecond delay for the sensor to respond after you lift the mouse off your surface and replace it (a lot of FPS gamers need to "lift" their mouse off the surface to recenter) .

In the end I prefer the MX510 for gaming, the only dissapointing thing about the MX510 is that it doesn't have a tilt wheel like the 1000. I guess you can't have it all :mad:
too bad logitech's software sucks though. I'm finding certain things not behaving right with the logitech drivers installed. and if I want to use all the buttons, you need to use it. For example, the side buttons for forwards/back in your net browser. They work for other things too. Browing files on the HD and so on. On the intellimouse, you can also use it to scan pictures with MS picture/fax viewer in xp. With the logitech software, it doesn't work. Can't click to next picture/back.

For some reason the "cruise" buttons in Call of Duty, once hit, the entire screen goes dark like the brightness gets turned down, and you have to restart the game wtf? I think it has something to do with the onscreen display that the mouse uses. It tries to draw a little icon when a button is pushed and it f's up the screen. don't hit the cruise buttons, no more problem.

In splinter cell, the scroll button when pushed down is supposed to activate the scope. Logitech software doesn't do this. You'll have to remap the mouse scroll button click in the control panel to use a keystroke, then in the game to use the same key like z or something.

Of couse, just use the built in mouse driver, and all these things work...but no extra logitech buttons work :( And I like them.

There's got to be a work around. The mouse itself is awesome, just beware of these things. I'm assuming the 510 is the same way.
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I've been using MX500/510 for over 2 years now, havne't had a single problem with them in any games... :p
hmm i wonder if i should go with the mx duo...it does have good reviews, but i dont understand why there're so many problems with the mouse charging.
is the razer viper the boomslang one? that mouse seems too hardcore for me :p
Nope, this is their new optical mouse. I think it's a 1000 dpi. lol. I'm so glad their business didn't go under...The only thing that isn't the greatest about the viper is that it only has 2 buttons & a scrollwheel, no thumb buttons. It will however own for gaming so that's all that matters.
Jliao said:
I've been using MX500/510 for over 2 years now, havne't had a single problem with them in any games... :p
if you have never used an MS mouse much, you wouldn't know what you were missing.

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