Lexus or Mercedes?


Mazdaspeed MX-5 Miata
Hey all,

Hope everyone is good. The last time I was on this site was in early November - been busy w/work, planning my wedding, etc. Okay, so here's the scoop. Despite how busy we are, my fiancee NOW decides she wants a new car. She loves the Lexus cars, but her family is pushing her to go with a Mercedes (even though her dad has had nothing but trouble with his - wtf). Of course, I'm trying to convince her to get a Mazda (yes). IMHO, Japanese engineering is quite simply the best in the world and superior to all other automakers, so you could imagine what I feel about Mercedes. I drove a BMW for a couple years and had nothing but trouble. Several of my buddies in NY had BMW and Mercedes cars and had tons of issues as well - not to mention the high cost of maintenance. It's not even that entirely - German cars just don't do anything for me. So, I need your input so I can share it with Eleni. Don't just respond with WHICH car you recommend, but your REASON too. As always, thanks a lot and happy holidays.

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well lexus ranks above all manufactures in regards to quality as far as i know. styling is just as good if not better with the lexus (unless she is getting a SL or some AMG tunned car) i just saw a thing on the history channel about the inventor of the VW who i think had a lot to do with the development of early Mercedes. bottom line, he was a Nazi so tell her she is supporting facism if she buys a mercedes, lol.
I disagree. You can't compare European cars to American or Japanese. European cars are in a class by themselves. imo. I would go with Lexus.
go with lexus. my pops had a 92 es300 for 11yrs and over 160,000 miles and it had only 2 problems ever! water pump went out around 80k and it needed a valve job at 120k. he has had an rx300 since 99 it has 80k on it and has never had an issue.
Previously had Two MBZs in the family, Granted they were older models ('76 450SEL 6.9 and '78 280SE AMG-tuned) but because of them, we haven't bought German cars ever since.
If she wants a status symbol with no regards to maintenance and overall cost of ownership, go with Mercedes

If she wants a good blend of Reliability, Practicality and Luxury, go with the Lexus
i work at a Daimler Chrysler dealership and can certifiably tell you that mercedes are the most overpriced, overvalued, overrated, low quality pieces of junk in thier segment. I'd honestly put thier reliability no higher than your average Ford Taurus.

Lexus 100%
True that. I am a MB employee. Traded my C43 AMG for my p5. That says it all. (boom07)

Captain KRM P5 said:
i work at a Daimler Chrysler dealership and can certifiably tell you that mercedes are the most overpriced, overvalued, overrated, low quality pieces of junk in thier segment. I'd honestly put thier reliability no higher than your average Ford Taurus.

Lexus 100%
protejay5 said:
LEXUS IS350. accept no substitute

Definitely check out the IS; I haven't seen many '06+ ISs on the road, but you may be able to get a kick ass deal on an '05 (I'm a little partial to that styling, though the new IS is growing on me). For living in the city, you don't need anything larger.

Make sure it's a 6-speed :)
I have owned three BMW's, one Merecedes although maintenance was quite a bit more than I cared to pay on either car.
I must say I enjoyed my 325I convertible the most...

my 2 cents!


I didn't finish reading your post... I vote Lexus!
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I wouldn't get either as both only make one model of stickshift as far as I know. How about Infiniti or Audi?
lakersfan1 said:
I wouldn't get either as both only make one model of stickshift as far as I know. How about Infiniti or Audi?

Agree with lakersfan about the cars not the team. Infiniti g35, Audi A4 or TT?
Take an A3 out for a spin; it'd be a good city car (give you the utility you're "lacking" with the MSM, while giving you the added sportiness and luxury). I thought the 6-speed was a little sloppy/soft/wonky on test drive (what do you mean no vibrations at idle?!), but nothing a short shifter can't fix :D...if Eleni doesn't drive a standard, you can get it with the new automatic DSG (?) tranny...

The new win: A3.....
Thanks guys - keep 'em coming. I plan on printing your responses to show to Eleni's father (a.k.a. my future father-in-law) who stubbornly insists she should get a Mercedes. Oh, did I mention he's had umpteen problems with it? Greeks seem to dig the BMW and Mercedes cars - yeah, maybe it's a generalization to an extent, but it seems to be true. Dimitrios, would you agree?