Leather or Cloth, what do you prefer?

Leather, and despite popular belief, leather is not hotter in the summber and it is not sticky if you have good breathable leather. Like the katzkin kit that I have. Just my .02

Cloth.Ass doesn't get burnt when it's hot and it doesn't freeze when it's cold.
Shroud said:
I heard that when you fold down the rear seats you get grooves in the leather....

Yep, it is true. Those indentations have not gone away in the month or so since I first folded down the seats, either.

Anyway, I still say go w/the leather....of course I have yet to experience the South Carolina Coast's scorching summer on the leather seats though.
I got cloth. I feel cloth is better 'cause I won't fly out of my seat when I make crazy corners~~~:D
Cloth..it grips better and you don't slide around the seat as much. And I don't freeze my ass off when it's -30C outside and I get in to warm up my car.
I like leather, but the wife doesn't. We got the cloth seats. Then we went to Sam's Club and bought dark grey sheepskin seat covers dirt cheap, like $30 or some such. They're really nice, never feel hot or cold, always comfy. The only problem with them is you get zapped in dry weather when you slide out of the car and then turn around and shut the door.

Cloth seats will last ten years with no maintenance. Leather seats will get cruddy pretty quickly if you don't maintain them, but if you do maintain them they'll last just about forever. I had leather in a Jag that was 20+ years old, looked like new.