Latest iOS update - emails!

Which iPhone are you using? I have an iPhone 6 running iOS8.4.1. (apple says it's the latest available) and I don't get e-mail notifications?
I have the same as you which got me to thinking what I've changed recently.

Recently my email notification turned off. So I turned them back on. I bet that did it.

I'll screen shot what my settings are for you. Shut yours off then turn them to how I have them. I bet that does it.
Try this - turn all "mail" notifications off. Restart phone.

Then set them to how I have them - restart phone.

Go try it in the car by sending yourself some test emails.

I have ATT. It hasn't ever worked before.

It started working today. I haven't driven the car in exactly 14 days because I was on a motorcycle trip then business trip.

I turned notifications off while on vacation as to not be bothered by work emails.

Turned it back in yesterday.

Left for work at 5:30am and didn't get any emails at that hour while on my 1 hour commute.

On my way home at 4pm. The emails were pouring in and showing in "notifications" on the screen in the car just like texts do.
So weird -

I went downstairs to the garage and hit the start button 2X which turns the car in without running the engine.

Sent myself an email and nothing.

Sent myself a text and nothing.

Maybe I have to be moving to get it?

I'll try tomorrow while I head to the bank in the AM and photo the screen.

I'll be very pissed if it doesn't work.

One weird thing.....the emails registered in the 1st option in communications labeled "notifications" and the emails also showed in the TEXT category too.

Thought that was weird but I didn't care because I was thrilled to just be getting them.
You're not going to believe this. It won't work now.

Anyone? Anything?

So frustrated.

I know it was working. I had the car read a 2 paragraph email to me.
Someone double clicked and turned off the email app to get text notify to work, try turning them both off or one at a time...

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