key fob replacement (switchblade) for Mazda 5 2006 touring (canada)?


I have looked through the internet for a key fob replacement for my Mazda 5 2006 switchblade type and I can only find key companies from the USA so I am not that confident that those will work in Canadian vehicles. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where else to look or experience in replacing their key fobs from companies in the USA? Thanks
Been fine for my 2007 have bought two. They have been working for years. The programing prceedure took me a couple trys.

I have a key on the outside of the car that only opens the Door. Purposly not programed. Then one hidden on the inside that is ignition programed. Knowing me, if I hadn't done this I would have locked myself out regularly.
I have looked through the internet for a key fob replacement for my Mazda 5 2006 switchblade type and I can only find key companies from the USA so I am not that confident that those will work in Canadian vehicles. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where else to look or experience in replacing their key fobs from companies in the USA? Thanks

I ordered key fob replacements (minus the key) from seller on eBay however, when I received the two key fobs the silicone pad that the chip rests on is too high (sits too high up) and won't allow the two parts to click together. I contacted the seller and he checked it out and was told that these key fobs are not the "original" of course, and they DO NOT fit the Mazda 5 2006 chip properly. I would not advise purchasing anything for earlier models unless you speak directly to the seller (even if your search for an item on their website confirms that it will fit a 2006 model). The return policy for this seller was terrible so I have some useless key parts now to add to my collection. Buyer Beware.
Been fine for my 2007 have bought two. They have been working for years. The programing prceedure took me a couple trys.

I have a key on the outside of the car that only opens the Door. Purposly not programed. Then one hidden on the inside that is ignition programed. Knowing me, if I hadn't done this I would have locked myself out regularly.

Do you have any recollection as to where you bought your key fobs from?

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